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JAMMIN' ON THE QUAD: The band Allred performs during a day of welcome for returning students. Click Arts&Life for a link to photos. / Photo by Heather Routh

Today's word on journalism

Monday, September 3, 2007

"I've always been all over the lot in my writing. Except for poetry -- even though they say all the old-time sportswriters use plenty of it. Maybe it's just part of what we do."

--Frank DeFord, 2006

Watts unveils plan to put council and police in expanded justice building

By Christy Jensen

April 6, 2007 | LOGAN -- Plans for an addition to the city justice building, a revamp of the City Block, and new options for "green" energy were discussed at the City Council meeting Tuesday night.

The meeting started off with business as usual but was shaken up a bit when Logan resident Gary Joy got up during public comment. Joy said he was upset about the quick decision that the council made to not participate in IPP No. 3, a coal-fired power plant near Delta.

"I find it rude," said Joy, "that some council members had their mind made up about IPP No. 3 before the council meeting [on March 20]."

Citizens have shown both opposition and support to the council through e-mails and letters that the council has reported receiving in the past two weeks. The motion to deny the plan for the city to support IPP No. 3 was passed at the last council meeting on March 20.

Mayor Randy Watts gave a presentation on the proposed plan for what is known as City Block, the one-block radius that houses the city hall and justice building. Watts unveiled his plans for the council and Logan Police Department to join buildings and move into the justice building at 290 N. 100 West. The proposed project would add another building to the existing structure, creating 25,000 square feet for the council to work in.

Watts said the current city hall does not have the space to house all the departments it needs to and that if the city all is moved to the justice building the "police will not have to worry about moving."

A few plans have been submitted to the council as to what to do with the rest of the building that currently houses the city hall and library. One plan would expand the rest of the library into where the city hall is, creating more space for conferences and library technology.

Council member Laraine Swenson said she is very concerned about the parking situation that moving the city hall and expanding the library could create, voicing her opinion on the matter several times at Tuesday night's meeting.

Swenson said, "You don't build the library and then say, 'Where are we going to park?' We need to take care of this issue now."

Watts told the council he is still working on the planning for the City Block but reassured the council that he "doesn't just want new digs" for himself, but is trying to look out for the future of Logan.

Joe Needham made a proposal for the council to create a Renewable Energy Advisory Board that would help the council find ways to get power from geothermal, solar, hydro and wind sources.

Needham said that the advisory board would run much like the citizens financial board and will review such issues as net metering, which Logan City currently does not do. Council member Tami Pyfer is concerned that people might get the wrong idea if the advisory board was approved.

Pyfer said, "I don't want people getting the idea that the power board isn't doing their job to get renewable energy to Logan."

The council reached a consensus on the approval of a Renewable Energy Advisory Board and began taking recommendations of who should be on the board. The next city council meeting will be April 24 at the council chambers at 255 N. Main St.


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