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JAMMIN' ON THE QUAD: The band Allred performs during a day of welcome for returning students. Click Arts&Life for a link to photos. / Photo by Heather Routh

Today's word on journalism

Monday, September 3, 2007

"I've always been all over the lot in my writing. Except for poetry -- even though they say all the old-time sportswriters use plenty of it. Maybe it's just part of what we do."

--Frank DeFord, 2006

Newton studies installing 'children at play' signs

By Lisa Rose

April 6, 2007 | NEWTON -- The Town Council discussed a request from citizens to post "children at play" signs on Third South.

This busy road, posted at 20 miles per hour, is narrow and has a dip that makes long-range visibility of children difficult, explained citizen Emily Udy. Twenty-one children live within two blocks of Udy's home along this "declared by-pass into Logan." Parents are worried about their children, particularly in the mornings and afternoons. Udy says speed is not the only issue; drivers just need to be warned.

"The neighbors are all willing to help dig holes or whatever," she said.

Mayor Clair Christiansen agreed that the cause is worthwhile and that the town would be willing to help get legal signage. The council also suggested that parental enforcement continue to be a key solution.

City council member Greg Jorgensen is aware of the problem first-hand. Recently, three children darted across this road in front of him. He said he slowed when two boys ran across the road. Then another boy ran across the road without looking.

"If I wouldn't have been paying attention, I would have hit him dead center," he said.

The town does not have jurisdiction to change posted speed limits or put up stop signs just to regulate speed. However, town council will allow the signs if permission from the county is granted. Efforts from the neighborhood may be required to fund the signs.

"If 10 signs would save one screech to a stop, it's worth it," Christiansen said.


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