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JAMMIN' ON THE QUAD: The band Allred performs during a day of welcome for returning students. Click Arts&Life for a link to photos. / Photo by Heather Routh

Today's word on journalism

Monday, September 3, 2007

"I've always been all over the lot in my writing. Except for poetry -- even though they say all the old-time sportswriters use plenty of it. Maybe it's just part of what we do."

--Frank DeFord, 2006

Tremonton driver pleads guilty to minor in possession of alcohol

By Jessica Wakley

April 10, 2007 | LOGAN -- A Tremonton resident pleaded guilty Monday in 1st Judicial District Court for unlawful possession of alcohol by a minor.

In Utah v. Kasey Daren Scott, Scott, 20, pleaded guilty at a pretrial conference at 1:30 p.m. Judge Gordon J. Low presided and Michael J. Langford defended Scott.

Prosecutor Jamie M. Swink said Scott was riding in a car with several of his friends and was pulled over by sheriff's Deputy Weston. Weston smelled alcohol. He asked the occupants to step out of the vehicle when he realized they were under ge. Scott blew a 1.0 on a Breathalyzer test.

When Scott pleaded guilty, Judge Low asked him if he was under the influence of any drugs and if he was satisfied with this decision. Scott said he was not on drugs, and was satisfied. He signed the agreement statement.

A review date for Scott was set for April 7, 2008.



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