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JAMMIN' ON THE QUAD: The band Allred performs during a day of welcome for returning students. Click Arts&Life for a link to photos. / Photo by Heather Routh

Today's word on journalism

Monday, September 3, 2007

"I've always been all over the lot in my writing. Except for poetry -- even though they say all the old-time sportswriters use plenty of it. Maybe it's just part of what we do."

--Frank DeFord, 2006

North Logan seeking applicants to fill vacant council seat

By Emily Redfield

April 13, 2007 | NORTH LOGAN -- North Logan is taking applications for a new council member because of the recent resignation.

The city will take applications until April 27, said Kari Gorbous, receptionist in the city offices.

Mark Williams, the North Logan city councilman who resigned, has served on the council for the past three-and-a-half years. He received a job offer in California in February, and announced his resignation in early March. Williams said he will be leaving on good terms with the council.

“It was a surprise for me when I got this offer,” Williams said.

Mayor Cary Watkins said a person who wins a seat on the council will serve a four-year term. If that person leaves before the four years are up, a new council member is appointed by the rest of the council, he said.

“We don’t hire them; it is an appointment,” Watkins said.

After the council member serves for four years, he or she can be elected again by the citizens of North Logan, he said. Anyone can sit on the council as long as desired if they keep campaigning and getting voted in, he said.

Watkins describes a good candidate for office as someone who contributes to the community and is non-partisan. He also said the appointee must be a resident of North Logan and a registered voter.

“If someone is not willing to make a public statement, I would be surprised if they were appointed. I would not encourage people to apply if they are not willing to have a public campaign,” Watkins said.

Though many of the current council members have full-time jobs, they are all still committed to serving the community of North Logan, he said.


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