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JAMMIN' ON THE QUAD: The band Allred performs during a day of welcome for returning students. Click Arts&Life for a link to photos. / Photo by Heather Routh

Today's word on journalism

Monday, September 3, 2007

"I've always been all over the lot in my writing. Except for poetry -- even though they say all the old-time sportswriters use plenty of it. Maybe it's just part of what we do."

--Frank DeFord, 2006

Lewiston woman asks council to help with messy neighbors

By Stevie Stewart

April 18, 2007 | LEWISTON -- After personally confronting her neighbors about their "messy yard," a Lewiston woman approached the City Council Tuesday night for assistance in beautifying her neighborhood.

Karen Collins lives at 35 E. 800 South St. Although she said she loves the community, her house is for sale because her husband's job has been relocated. According to Collins, the last potential buyers told her they are looking for a house just like hers but her neighbor's property is an "eyesore." They didn't buy her house because of how her neighbors keep their yard, she explained.

Collins told the council that she has politely asked her neighbors to clean up the trash in their yard. After the neighbors agreed to try to keep their property in better condition, Collins said the yard has actually gotten worse.

"My yard looks nice," Collins told the council. "It is not fair that another property owner's habits are hurting my property's value."

Mayor Kelly Field said clutter in yards is a problem the city continually faces. He said he knew which property Collins was referring to and agreed that action should be taken.

"We want our city to be a place that people want to live and can be proud of," Field said.

He said, "It is a common nuisance and it is the time of year that this type of problem is most noticeable because most people are taking extra time to beautify their property."

The mayor said with spring in full swing and yard work on people's minds, the topic would be easier to address to the entire city. He said a reminder to clean up junk in yards would be sent with the water bills in May.

Field advised Collins to file a formal complaint with the city if she wished for more personal interaction between the city and her neighbor.


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