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JAMMIN' ON THE QUAD: The band Allred performs during a day of welcome for returning students. Click Arts&Life for a link to photos. / Photo by Heather Routh

Today's word on journalism

Monday, September 3, 2007

"I've always been all over the lot in my writing. Except for poetry -- even though they say all the old-time sportswriters use plenty of it. Maybe it's just part of what we do."

--Frank DeFord, 2006

Burglar gets six months in jail for break-ins in which she sought drugs

By Devin Felix

April 24, 2007 | LOGAN -- First District Court Judge Gordon J. Low sentenced Michelle Grajeda on Monday to at least six months in Cache County Jail for burglary.

Grajeda broke into two homes of people she didn't know, looking for prescription pain killers, prosecutor Jamie Swink said. Swink said Grajeda should be incarcerated because she has had legal problems related to drug use since 1991, and continues to violate the law.

"There are addictions, and then there's criminal conduct," Swink said. "This is criminal conduct."

Grajeda has been on probation before and has been through drug counseling programs, her attorney said. Low said Grajeda will receive drug counseling while in jail and her case will be re-evaluated after six months.


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