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ASKING THE EXPERTS: Playground designer Barry Segal gets ideas from River Heights students about a playground to honor Ryan Adams. Click Arts&Life for link to story. / Photo by Mikaylie Kartchner

Today's word on journalism

Monday, January 29, 2007

Words as weapons:

"When he had a pen in his hand it was like giving a kid a machine gun."

--Peter Hall, theater director, on "Angry Young Man" playwright John Osborne (1929-1994)

Open letter to Iran's president

Editor's note: Leon D'Souza, a graduate of the JCOM department, now serves America in uniform. He is a frequent guest contributor to the Hard News Cafe.

December 4, 2006

H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Dear Dr. Ahmadinejad:

This concerns your recent appeal to the conscience and good will of the American people with regard to our government's involvement in the Middle East.

While I do not wish to trivialize the seriousness and sincerity of your communication, I must confess to finding it rather humorous that you chose to characterize the geographical separation of our two nations as an act of "divine providence." That is to say, "a manifestation of God's foresightful care."

Frankly, in view of your administration's reckless nuclear ambitions and stubborn warmongering, I couldn't agree more with that precise choice of language. Thank God -- or Allah, if you prefer -- that we're separated by a vast ocean.

If I may wax biblical for a moment, perhaps you, sir, ought to "cast out first the beam out of thine own eye," before you proceed to condemn the Bush administration for its egregious abuses of power. While I cannot condone the president's ham-fisted foreign policy positions, I certainly cannot turn a blind eye to your own delusional fantasies.

Perhaps you and our bungling president could both profit from a bit of political soul-searching.


Leon D'Souza Fayetteville, N.C.

On the Net:
Text of Iran president's letter to the U.S.


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