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ASKING THE EXPERTS: Playground designer Barry Segal gets ideas from River Heights students about a playground to honor Ryan Adams. Click Arts&Life for link to story. / Photo by Mikaylie Kartchner

Today's word on journalism

Monday, January 29, 2007

Words as weapons:

"When he had a pen in his hand it was like giving a kid a machine gun."

--Peter Hall, theater director, on "Angry Young Man" playwright John Osborne (1929-1994)

Woman sentenced to prison for DUI

By Natalie Cook

December 11, 2006 | LOGAN -- Sherri Stone pleaded guilty to a list of six charges Tuesday in First District Court. Stone, 35, was sentenced to 0 to 5 years in the Utah State Prison and must complete the Excel program in the state prison to help her recover from her alcohol addiction.

Stone pleaded guilty to DUI, assault, escape from official custody and intoxication. Stone's DUI charge was enhanced to a third-degree felony because of her long history of alcohol-related crimes, and she was violating her parole by leaving Utah. Stone's blood-alcohol content was three times the legal limit of .08 at the time of her arrest and she had endangered many other drivers before she was taken into custody.

Stone asked for work release and drug and alcohol counseling to avoid returning to jail. "I need to get some counseling in hopes I can get better and stay healthy," Stone said.

The prosecution presented the fact that AP&P Parole, the agency whom Stone was placed under the supervision of, has noted she becomes violent and angry when intoxicated. She has broken parole and been involved in other alcohol-related crimes on many occasions over the past six years.

Stone was not permitted to return to being on parole because she has violated her parole many times since her first placement on it in 2000. She has a long history of alcohol problems and Judge Thomas Willmore chose to sentence her to jail because she has already been given many chances to recover on her own.

"It has been a long hard life and it is only going to be longer and harder unless you can get youself clean," Willmore said. "You're lucky no one was hurt, including yourself." Willmore said he was beginning to lack faith that she can recover without incarceration and that is why he chose the sentence he did.

"I don't know what demons are a part of you that bring you back time and time again to alcohol, but you have had so many chances I am beginning to lack faith you can recover on your own, " Willmore said.

Willmore said he placed Stone in prison in the interest of protecting society and protecting Stone from herself.

Stone will receive credit for the time she served in the Cache County Jail from Oct. 15 through Dec. 6.


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