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NUTHIN' UP MY SLEEVE!: A cow moose rests Tuesday in 3 feet of snow beside the Logan River just west of Tony Grove. / Photo by Mike Sweeney

Today's word on journalism

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Help Wanted: U.S. Defense Department Seeks Better PR Officers

"Our enemies have skillfully adapted to fighting wars in today's media age, but . . . our country has not adapted. For the most part, the U.S. government still functions as a 'five and dime' store in an eBay world."

--U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, on why al Qaeda is winning hearts and minds, in speech to U.S. Council on Foreign Relation (Thanks to alert WORDster Mark Larson) WORD Note: The WORD will take the next week off for Spring Break, sleeping in and seeking wisdom. Return: 3/20/06

Metal Gods rock USU, '80s-style; front man would welcome debate with LDS president

NIGEL THAMES IN ACTION: Front man for the Metal Gods performs at the Nelson Fieldhouse. He says Ayn Rand changed his life.

Text and photos by Shannon Gibbs

Feburary 2, 2006 | The '80s rock era was alive and well Friday night at the USU Fieldhouse.

Metal Gods (formerly known as Danger Kitty), played to an energetic crowd of heavy metal music lovers. USU students -- dressed in ripped T's, hole-y jeans, Spandex and of course big hair -- rushed the stage in anticipation of every song preformed. The '80s rock party, hosted by ASUSU/STAB and the Greeks was a smashing success.

Nigel Thames-- Vocals
Vicki Trixxx-- Bass Guitar
Blackhead-- Drums
Maxx steel-- Guitar

Here's what the Metal gods had to say:

Hard News Cafe: Do you think '80s music is making a comeback?

Nigel: It never went out.

Maxx Steel: People have been closet-listening for years.

Black head: It seemed like the local stations were playing our line-up (of songs); it's my kinda place.

HNC: What made you decide to come to USU?

Nigel: Bribery. They paid us a lot of money, so we came, we played, and here we are eating pitas, after all, pitas are fuel for post-show sex.

HNC: I discovered you have an interest in Ayn Rand. Why would an '80s rocker be interested in a Russian radical such as her?

Nigel: When I was young I read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, I was never the same again. She was the first person to voice what I had been thinking in the back of my head. Lord Bertrand Russell, another person I like, said, "I'm as firmly convinced that religions do harm as I am that they are untrue." Every one should be privy to his musings. I was born and raised a repressed Catholic. I would love a head-to-head debate with Gordon B. Hinckley. I want proof that God exists. I also think that there are too many people and to0 much procreation.

Vicki Trixx- Vasectomies for everyone!

Blackhead- Nigel is the Bob Barker for humanity. Have your friends spayed or neutered.

HNC: So what was your impression of USU and the crowd, and were you nervous to play here?

Nigel: A little. We were wondering how it would go at a non-alcoholic venue. We were surprised, the energy was awesome, people were rushing the stage, it was great. Tell the Aggies, we had fun. I could have stayed in Park City and preformed solo, avoiding a very snowy drive, but we were glad we came up to be groped by USU co-eds instead. We had no idea Loganites had been driving two hours each way on Thursdays to come see us at Liquid Joes in SLC. Props to the school for the great turn-out, sound system, and Pita Pit afterwards. Fight the power and BYU BLOWS!

Metal God Motto: You can't stop us; you can only hope to contain us.

BIG HAIR AND SMOKE: Did someone say '80s music?


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