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NUTHIN' UP MY SLEEVE!: A cow moose rests Tuesday in 3 feet of snow beside the Logan River just west of Tony Grove. / Photo by Mike Sweeney

Today's word on journalism

Friday, March 10, 2006

Help Wanted: U.S. Defense Department Seeks Better PR Officers

"Our enemies have skillfully adapted to fighting wars in today's media age, but . . . our country has not adapted. For the most part, the U.S. government still functions as a 'five and dime' store in an eBay world."

--U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, on why al Qaeda is winning hearts and minds, in speech to U.S. Council on Foreign Relation (Thanks to alert WORDster Mark Larson) WORD Note: The WORD will take the next week off for Spring Break, sleeping in and seeking wisdom. Return: 3/20/06

Providence council votes to create historical district

By Taylor Scott

February 10, 2006 | PROVIDENCE -- The City Council approved the creation of a historic district, allowing the Providence City Historic Preservation Commission to apply for a grant to be used for the nomination, and authorizing a Request for Proposal and ask a consultant complete the nomination for the National Register.

On July 29, 2005, Wilson Martin, with the State Historic Preservation Office, visited Providence following up on a reconnaissance survey. At the conclusion of his results on the survey Martin persuaded the Providence City Council to make a nomination to the National Historic Register requesting to create a historic downtown district.

Following the July 2005 meeting the issue of the historic district remained on the docket of city council meetings for several months. Not until the Jan. 24 meeting did a resolution in favor of the historic district come.

However, residents of Providence said they were nervous about being part of such a district because it would restrict what they can do with their homes. And, in response to resident's concerns Martin said homeowners could even demolish their homes with no consequences.

"If the homes are in the historic districts they are eligible for tax credits," said Martin about the concerns of Providence citizens.

Skarlet Bankhead, city administrator, said the city hopes to get out information to homeowners in the prospective district so residents know what is involved and how it will help them.

The Providence City Historic Preservation Commission will apply for a grant and a consultant will complete the nomination for the National Register.


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