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NUTHIN' UP MY SLEEVE!: A cow moose rests Tuesday in 3 feet of snow beside the Logan River just west of Tony Grove. / Photo by Mike Sweeney

Today's word on journalism

Friday, March 10, 2006

Help Wanted: U.S. Defense Department Seeks Better PR Officers

"Our enemies have skillfully adapted to fighting wars in today's media age, but . . . our country has not adapted. For the most part, the U.S. government still functions as a 'five and dime' store in an eBay world."

--U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, on why al Qaeda is winning hearts and minds, in speech to U.S. Council on Foreign Relation (Thanks to alert WORDster Mark Larson) WORD Note: The WORD will take the next week off for Spring Break, sleeping in and seeking wisdom. Return: 3/20/06

Nibley council focuses on improving city communications

By Ranae Bangerter

February 21, 2006 | NIBLEY -- Over an hour of presentation of ideas and discussion of updates to the city's communication plan dominated the City Council meeting Thursday night.

The communication plan, presented by Councilmen Bryan Hansen and Thayne Mickelson a few weeks ago, but discussed further at the meeting, included updates for the city building, Web site and newsletters.

Council members decided that in the world of technology today they will need to provide up-to-date information to their citizens. But improvements come with a price.

In the communication plan, it was proposed that the city council invest in a Smart Board, an electronic type of white board that would come with a projector and other accessories. City Manager Larry Anhder said he would rather have more updated computer capabilities than a smart board. Other council members assured him that computer enhancements come with the Smart Board.

Also the city would like to update their Web site. Assistant City Recorder Kerry Bringhurst is currently learning how to update the Web site with a new program that would be more efficient than the one used before.

Mayor Gerald Knight said they are trying to do a little bit at a time.

"When is it going to be updated we need it now," said Councilman Scott Larsen about the Web site updates. Bringhurst said it would take a while.

The Web site would possibly include electronic payments, the monthly newsletter, contact information of elected officials, and the meeting agendas and minutes.

Council members would also like to make the monthly newsletter more professional looking, and have it include more input from the citizens, feature stories with pictures, and possibly advertisements from local businesses.

With the updates to the Web site, Councilman Larsen made a motion to not post the minutes online, until they had been officially approved. The motion passed unanimously.

Other items covered in the meeting were:

-- a Planning and Zoning Commission's Report of their meeting a week before.

-- Rigby Subdivision's amended plat received a motion and passed with one opposing vote from Councilman Larsen.

--Discussion of Dennis Murray's offer of piece of land that the city could possibly build a road on or receive money for. A motion for the purchase of the lot passed with two opposing votes, from Mickelson and Larsen.

--The design review committee, which decides on guidelines for personal developers, reported what they have been planning and decided that they would discuss the objectives and ideas for new structures in later meetings.

--Consultants for the city council will be coming to town and the city manager talked about updating the General Plan, which includes the city's standards for ordinances and land use.


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