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NUTHIN' UP MY SLEEVE!: A cow moose rests Tuesday in 3 feet of snow beside the Logan River just west of Tony Grove. / Photo by Mike Sweeney

Today's word on journalism

Friday, March 10, 2006

Help Wanted: U.S. Defense Department Seeks Better PR Officers

"Our enemies have skillfully adapted to fighting wars in today's media age, but . . . our country has not adapted. For the most part, the U.S. government still functions as a 'five and dime' store in an eBay world."

--U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, on why al Qaeda is winning hearts and minds, in speech to U.S. Council on Foreign Relation (Thanks to alert WORDster Mark Larson) WORD Note: The WORD will take the next week off for Spring Break, sleeping in and seeking wisdom. Return: 3/20/06

Smithfield will sell bonds to raise money for water tank

By Di Lewis

February 24, 2006 | SMITHFIELD -- Water revenue bonds will be available to residents in April to raise money for a new water tank.

The decision was made at Wednesday's City Council meeting, and the bonds will be backed by Zions Bank. Alex Buxton, a representative from the bank, said the maximum amount that will be issued is $2 million and the bonds will have a 20 year maturity.

"We set these parameters as a maximum; we try to set it with a lot of room. So we'll go up to $2 million, but we won't exceed that amount," Buxton said.

A notice of issuance of the bonds will be in the newspaper, Buxton said, and anyone with concerns or questions about the legality will have 30 days to contest the bonds.

The Youth Council also delivered a report on their activities. "We read to kids at Sunrise every Friday to help the teachers out," said Trevor Ross, a representative for the youth council.

"Tomorrow we're getting toy cars from a man in St. George," said Jodi Knight, another representative for the youth council, "and we'll paint them and distribute them to kids without a lot of toys.

"We also did job-shadowing," Knight said. "We picked an employee of the city and followed them around to see what they do."

Councilwoman Kris Monson said one of the students got to observe the investigations of a stolen diamond ring and a dead body while job-shadowing the police.

Additionally, Chad Harris from Smithfield Dental and Bob Lewis from Expertec Automotive approached the council about support for annexing and rezoning land that they said they want to relocate their businesses onto. The council said Harris and Lewis should try to annex the property before asking for additional help or opinions because they didn't want to make promises about property that wasn't part of Smithfield.


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