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WHO LOVES YA, BABY!: James Putnam, center, indicates who rules in the WAC. Click the Arts&Life index for a link to photos of a triumph deluxe in Reno. / Photo by Patrick Oden

Today's word on journalism

March 17, 2009

Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1863-2009

"Can Seattle's oldest newspaper be successfully transformed into a child of the information age? The Northwest is a land of big dreams. With the demise of the Soviet Union, one quipster noted that Puget Sound is now home to three empires still bent on global dominion: Microsoft, and Starbuck's. If the stars align properly and with a quality product, Seattle will show the way to a new model for journalism of the written word."

--Joel Connelly, columnist, in today's final print edition of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer

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Feedback and suggestions--printable and otherwise--always welcome. "There are no false opinions."

Why Sound just what the music lover ordered for Logan

By Jason Sanders

February 4, 2009 | For most of the valley, this past Monday night was just another chilly evening. But for a group of 100 or so music-lovers, it was a night filled with captivating guitar riff and lyrical bliss courtesy of Why Sound.

Why Sound is one of Logan's newest concert venues, and it seems to be just what Logan's aspiring music scene needs.

As you pull up to the venue, Why Sound's tall windows greet you, displaying within an intimate space nearly the size of a high school classroom. Inside, a retro brick wall counteracts asparagus-green cinderblock, and at the very back sits a dimly lighted stage. And with this simple setup comes surprisingly good acoustics. Altogether, these elements make Why Sound one spectacular spot to catch a show.

The venue has been consistently booked since it opened last summer, which is a little ironic to founder Tim Moes since he originally bought the space to start a recording studio. Moes said, "It turns out people are dying for a place to play [music] around here so it kind of blossomed that way." A Why Sound recording studio is still in the works, but for now the focus is primarily on concerts.

And judging from Monday night's show, they are doing a fine job. The masses showed up to hear headliner Joshua James, plus opening acts Desert Noises, Libbie Linton and Grafted. In fact the venue was so full to the brim that during Linton's performance the fire marshal showed up and escorted over half the crowd out of the building.

The 49-person capacity may be the only disappointing thing about Why Sound. And Moes admits there is not a lot he can do about it. The tight space and lack of funding for a nearly $20,000 fire-sprinkler system are out of his control at this point. But that's OK with him; it just means the shows will be that much more personable.

So next time you're sitting around on a Monday night, or any night for that matter, think Why Sound. You won’t be disappointed. Why Sound is in downtown Logan at 30 Federal Ave. If you want to check out who's playing ahead of time visit



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