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LAST HURRAH: Jaycee Carroll high-fives fans as he leaves the Spectrum court after what was likely his last home game. Click Arts&Life for a link to photos. / Photo by Tyler Larson

Today's word on journalism

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Grammatically Speaking:

"We owe much to our mother tongue. It is through speech and writing that we understand each other and can attend to our needs and differences. If we don't respect and honor the rules of English, we lose our ability to communicate clearly and well. In short, we invite mayhem, misery, madness, and inevitably even more bad things that start with letters other than M."

--Martha Brockenbrough, grammarian and founder, National Grammar Day

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Blood drive under way to fill winter's special needs

By Jason Chesney

January 31, 2008 | The Val R. Christenson Service Center and American Red Cross are hosting a blood drive in the Sunburst lounge of the TSC this week.

This is one of the several blood drives on the Utah State campus every year. The biggest drive is done during the first week of fall semester, when Utah State competes against the University of Utah to see which school can collect the most units of blood. The event is known as the annual Blood Battle.

Julie Ung, secretary of the Service Center Core Council, said 70 units of blood have been donated over the last few days.

According to Bonfils Blood Center, blood supplies begin to deteriorate during the winter, so this time of year is especially important to donate.

In order to donate blood, the American Red Cross requires donors to be at least 17, have a valid driver's license, and weigh at least 110 pounds. Other requirements, such as travel restrictions and general health standards, are also stipulated.

After a donor has signed in to give blood, he or she is taken to a private area and examined by a phlebotomist. The phlebotomist takes the donor's pulse, temperature and blood pressure to make sure the donor appears healthy enough to give blood. Then hemoglobin and iron levels are taken by pricking the donor's finger. Once the phlebotomist has the cleared the donor, he or she can start giving blood.

Once the blood is received, the American Red Cross takes it to Salt Lake City, where more tests are run.

"The main thing we do here is make sure the blood is safe," said Kelli Gunnell, a phlebotomist from the Red Cross.

The Red Cross employs people in a specific department to let donors know if their blood can be used, and also to notify them of when they can donate again. Donors become eligible again every 56 days.

To donate blood, contact the American Red Cross at The next blood drive at Utah State is scheduled to be in March.


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