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A PEARL IN THE SKY: A full moon rises over the Bear River Mountains. / Photo by Ted Pease

Today's word on journalism

September 18, 2008

Partisan politics:

"Say 'conservative' and they wag their tails. Say 'liberal' and they bare their fangs. More to the point, say either and all thinking ceases. . . . [P]eople hear this doublespeak and cheer. Why not? They have been taught that words mean what you need them to in a given moment. Turns out, all it requires is a limitless supply of gall and the inherent belief that people are dumber than a bag of hammers."

--Leonard Pitts Jr., Pulitzer-winning columnist. The Miami Herald, 2008 (Thanks to alert WORDster Jerry Vonderbrink)

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Feedback and suggestions--printable and otherwise--always welcome. "There are no false opinions."

Simple Kitchen: Fruity summer

By Errin Stevenson

June 24, 2008 | If you are like me, living in Utah can be hard because there is a short fruit season here. So, during these few months, enjoy! Fruits are great for any meal during the summer. They are very healthy, light and fun to serve.

My first recipe, a fruit smoothie, is a breakfast recipe and one that can have everyone smiling. With a few simple ingredients, it is a healthy treat.

Smoothie by Jill Stewart

3ž4 c. diced pineapple
1 small banana
1ž4 c. orange juice concentrate
1ž2 c. plain nonfat yogurt
1ž2 c. ice cubes

Puree 3ž4 cup diced pineapple, 1 small banana, and 1/4-cup orange juice concentrate in your blender. Then add 1/2-cup nonfat plain yogurt and 1ž2 cup ice cubes, and process again until smooth. This recipe serves two.

For lunch parties, fruit kabobs are a great dish! These are pretty, easy, and super good! Just a few fresh fruits and some kabob wooden sticks is all you will need.

2 lbs. strawberries (washed)
2 pineapples
2 cantaloupes
2 lbs grapes (washed)

Simple cut pineapple and cantaloupe into large pieces. Then with your kabob sticks, place fruits in any decorative order. Serve with simple fruit sauce which contains one container of Yoplait yogurt (any fruit flavor) and one small tub of Cool Whip.

Dinner calls for dessert. For a quick and simple summer dessert, just go the easy way and buy an angel food cake with strawberries and bananas. Cut the fruit up small and simple serve over angel food cake. Then spoon a large spoonful of whipped whipping cream on top! Everyone will love it!




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