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Today's word on journalism

Monday, April 24, 2006

Dueling masters on words:

"He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary."

--William Faulkner, writer (1897-1962), on Ernest Hemingway, writer (1899-1961)

"Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?"

--Ernest Hemingway, writer (1899-1961), on William Faulkner, writer (1897-1962)

Indoor tanning industry notes benefits from 'smart tanning'

By Chana Taylor

March 5, 2006 | There are many misconceptions about tanning. Indoor tanning does have risks but doesn't everything else?

Indoor tanning has been the topic of many controversial discussions recently. People are becoming more health conscious and the focus has turned to telling people only the risks of indoor tanning rather than both the risks as well as benefits. Research shows that indoor tanning has benefits for your mind, body and attitude. By following guidelines you will be more confident and feel radiant.

The International Smart Tan Network emphasizes what they call the golden rule of tanning, "Don't ever sunburn."

Smart Tan specializes in educating consumers about the potential benefits of sun exposure while minimizing the potential risks associated with tanning. Smart Tan works with tanning salons around the world to educate consumers about how to recieve the maximum tan the "smart way." By monitoring the progress of each person, each salon assists in educating each costumer.

One misconception about tanning is that it is bad for skin. According to, a site sponsored by the Smart Tan network, a tan is the body's natural protection against a sunburn. Skin is designed to tan as a natural body function, and the body is designed to repair sun damage. calls the professional indoor tanning salon industry part of the solution in the battle against sunburn and educating people how to identify a proper and practical life-long skin care regimen. also suggests tanners use an indoor tanning lotion that are specifically formulated with anti-aging ingredients that will accelerate your tan and keep your skin healthy.

While the body creates a tan to protect itself from burning, the ultra violet rays are also its main source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is an element the body needs but cannot create on its own. Vitamin D helps build strong bones,and reduces the risks of multiple sclerosis and diabetes.

"With adequate exposure to sunlight, dietary vitamin D becomes unnecessary. . . . [E]xposure to sunlight a few times a week can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, osteomalacia, muscle weakness, fractures and maybe some of the common cancers, but also induce a sense of well-being." said Dr. Micheal Holick, director of the General Clinical Research Center at the Boston University School of Medicine and author of The UV Advantage .

The Indoor Tanning Association said that exposure to UV light also produces endorphins and serotonin, which have positive psychological effects.

Richard Leisy, owner of Planet Beach Tanning Spa in Logan, said that UV exposure "endorphins elevate your mood which can result in a great sense of relaxation or increased energy."

"Tanning helps make you feel better about yourself and gives you a happier disposition," said Jayme Allen, a Smart Tan certified tanning consultant. "When you're tan you are more confident and it shows."

Dermatologists have even started recommending tanning to their patients. "It has been a long and tough battle in trying to have [Dermatologists] appreciate that there are some beneficial effects to the tanning process and being exposed to sunlight." said Holick.

Kellie Tye, a Utah State University student, said that she tans once a week because of the way it boosts her confidence and keeps her skin clear."I don't tan to be super tan. I tan to add pigment to my skin that hasn't seen the sun in months. It's also a good source of warmth in this winter weather!"

Many people find that tanning is also way to relax. In a recent study of 300 men and women tanners, by Wolf System Technology-the worlds leading manufacturer of sunlamps for indoor tanning beds, 92% said that indoor tanning made them feel rested. The warmth and peace was relaxing.

As like everything else, moderation in tanning is key. Tanning can be very beneficial if done correctly.

In Dr. Holick's book The UV Advantage these guidelines are given to indoor tanners: "Educate yourself, use low-pressure lamps, use common sense and moderation, know the consequences of using oil, wear eyewear and consider your personal medical history".

As the benefits of tanning are desired, tan the smart way and remember, "Never sunburn!"


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