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Today's word on journalism

Monday, April 24, 2006

Dueling masters on words:

"He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary."

--William Faulkner, writer (1897-1962), on Ernest Hemingway, writer (1899-1961)

"Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?"

--Ernest Hemingway, writer (1899-1961), on William Faulkner, writer (1897-1962)

River Heights declares subdivision moratorium for four months

By Ben Walker

March 19, 2006 | RIVER HEIGHTS -- The City Council approved a four-month moratorium on subdivisions Tuesday night with a 3-2 vote.

The moratorium took effect Tuesday and will prevent any approval of new subdivisions for a maximum of four months while the city planning commission reviews and updates the general plan.

The motion for the moratorium was made by councilmember Gladys Ann Atwood, the only council memer who also serves as a member of the planning commission. She originally requested a six-month moratorium and said the updating of the city's general plan would probably take longer than six months especially if the planning commission has other stuff coming in.

"We have the best interest of the city at heart," Atwood said.

Councilmembers Bill Baker and Rob Gines cast the dissenting votes.

"I don't want to give the planning and zoning commission time," Baker said. "I want them to do it. I want them to get after it. The more time you give them, the more time it takes."

"I think it sends the wrong message to people that want or could want to develop in this area," Gines said.

Mayor Todd Weston voiced his disapproval of the motion, but could not vote because a mayor only votes to break a tie.

"Let it go on the record that I did not favor it and that's all I can say about it," Weston said.

The moratorium does not apply to minor subdivisions.

The council also unanimously passed a resolution to support creation of a Cache Valley regional council. The regional council is the brainchild of the Cache County Commission as part of a program called Vision 2020 plus, denoting preparation of Cache Valley for problems such as air pollution, traffic and aging citizens through 2020 and beyond.

Similar resolutions have already been unanimously passed by Dayton, Franklin, Weston, Preston, the Franklin County Commission, the Cache County Council, Wellsville, Logan, Nibley, Clarkston and Newton.

The regional council would be made up of 14 elected officials from around the valley and the president of Utah State University and may include other non-voting members. The council would be an advisory body.

"One of the reasons we involved Franklin County is issues don't stop at state borders. Pollution doesn't stop at state borders," said Craig Peterson, Cache County Councilmember. "They were thrilled with the fact that somebody finally wanted to involve them in valley issues."


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