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Today's word on journalism

Monday, April 24, 2006

Dueling masters on words:

"He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary."

--William Faulkner, writer (1897-1962), on Ernest Hemingway, writer (1899-1961)

"Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words?"

--Ernest Hemingway, writer (1899-1961), on William Faulkner, writer (1897-1962)

Lewiston adds its support to regional council idea

By Megan Sonderegger

March 23, 2006 | LEWISTON -- A current interlocal agreement, which allows for a small board of advisors to determine county decisions, was amended at Tuesday's City Council meeting, allowing for needed support in creating a larger regional council made up of 15 elected officials.

"There is a great deal to be gained in having a group get together to discuss issues that affect all of us," said Darrel Gibbons, a member of the Chamber of Commerce.

Craig Peterson, another member, presented the resolution to council members and said he felt the proposal was widely accepted and supported throughout Cache Valley. He said the Chamber of Commerce plans to select several elected officials throughout Cache County, as well as the president of Utah State University, allowing them to act as representatives in coordinating the valley as a body.

"Our valley, our solutions will be the slogan," Peterson said.

Peterson said recommendations from residents will go directly to the regional council and they will have the responsibility to decide whether or not the recommendations have validity. He said the council should follow three basic steps while making decisions: determining real issues, studying the issues, and deciding on recommendations to solve the issues.

"We need to think as a valley, act as a valley and create an organization that can do something about it," Peterson said.

Jeff Hall, a member of Lewiston's city council, said his only concern with the resolution was the overrepresentation of Logan in comparison to the rest of the valley. He said he worried Lewiston wouldn't be equally represented because of its small population, not taking into account its geographical size.

"Lewiston has more square miles than any other community," said Councilwoman Karren Jackson.

Peterson said Logan will have more representation because of its population, but they plan to distribute the mayors evenly to allow for equal representation. Peterson said Logan's current attitude is to try and work in harmony with the rest of the communities, and he said both USU President Stan Albrecht as well as Logan Mayor Randy Watts are eager to work with the rest of Cache Valley.

"The last thing we would want to have happen is to not have the council represented," Peterson said.

In other business, resident Patty Wiser was appointed as Lewiston's new treasurer, a business license was issued to Mandy Finlinson for an in-home hair salon, and a new citation for impounding junk cars was discussed.


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