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Today's word on journalism

Monday, October 8, 2007

Celebrating Columbus . . .

"1492. As children we were taught to memorize this year with pride and joy as the year people began living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America. Actually, people had been living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America for hundreds of years before that. 1492 was simply the year sea pirates began to rob, cheat, and kill them."

-- Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007), author, from Breakfast of Champions

(NOTE: Strictly speaking, this Vonnegut quote doesn't have anything to do with journalism. I'll owe you one. On the other hand, Columbus didn't have anything to do with discovering America, either, strictly speaking.)


Viva Salt Lake City bringing hot show, seven bands for under $13 per ticket

By Shannon Gibbs

May 31, 2007 -- Are you ready for the revolution? Viva Salt Lake City, baby!!!

Viva Salt Lake City will consist of one Saturday (June 2) seven bands, one stage, one full bar, a handful of DJs, sponsors galore and more fun then thought possible at a single show.

Nowhere else in Utah will you find such an awesome display of musical talents in one place for just $12.50. Get your tickets quick, as the price is $20 the day of the show. (For more info and maps, parking band show times and more visit

Check out this line-up:

Victim Effect, Broke, Dropping Daylight, Red, Royal Bliss, Flyleaf, and Saliva -- LIVE, Saturday, at the Gallivan Center.

Hard News Café was curious why 94.9 the Blaze decided to bring a show of this nature to Utah, so we asked Big Rog, one of 94.9's DJs

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HNC -- What prompted the creation of Viva Salt Lake City?

Big Rog- -- We're a radio station. We love music, especially live music. We get a lot of good shows in this town, but when it comes to festival-style concerts, the tickets are pretty outrageous and the experience isn't always satisfying. It seems that a lot of media outlets and concert promoters exist solely for the purpose of squeezing every last dime they can out of their customers while providing a less-than-satisfactory experience in return. All of us at The Blaze are calling bullshit on the whole thing.

Believe it or not, it IS possible to have seven world-class bands on one stage for under $13. It IS possible to allow people to come in and out of your venue and still keep it safe. It IS possible to NOT charge $5 for a bottle of water. It IS possible to do all of this and still make a profit on your show. It IS possible to provide an experience that is centered on the audience, not the box office.

So why do it? Because we CAN and, dammit, somebody has to! This isn't just a concert, it's a beginning. This is a revolution. Viva Salt Lake City.

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So if you're looking for a good music, cool DJs, and a good time to be had by all, Viva Salt Lake is where you need to be.

Viva La Revolution!



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