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COLD FEET: Birds take to the ice as winter makes its appearance at Yellowstone National Park. / Photo by Nancy Williams

Today's word on journalism

Monday, November 5, 2007

On Objectivity:

"I still insist that 'objective journalism' is a contradiction in terms. But I want to draw a very hard line between the inevitable reality of 'subjective journalism' and the idea that any honestly subjective journalist might feel free to estimate a crowd at a rally for some candidates the journalist happens to like personally at 2,000 instead of 612 -- or to imply that a candidate the journalist views with gross contempt, personally, is a less effective campaigner than he actually is."

-- Hunter S. Thompson, from Fear & Loathing: CORRECTIONS, RETRACTIONS, APOLOGIES, COP-OUTS, ETC., a 1972 memo to Rolling Stone editor Jann S. Wenner, excerpted in the current (November 2007) issue of Harper’s Magazine (Thanks to alert WORDster Andy Merton)

Anti-slaughter laws would be deadly for horse industry

By Kristen Encheff

(See letters to the editor in response to this editorial.)

October 10, 2007 | Six horses, abandoned on the side of the road in Smithfield, Utah. Another ten left to rot in a field of their own feces in Brigham City. This is only the beginning: if the American Horse Anti-Slaughter proposal become law, thousands of horses each year will face a fate worse than death.

Surely the animal rights groups presenting this bill have financial plans in place? No. There are no financial plans to care for homeless horses, no education plans for horse owners, no compensation for the blow to the American economy.

The impact the horse industry has on American economy is over $112.1 billion per year, involving over 7.1 million Americans and 6.9 million horses.

There are many rescue and retirement facilities for horses unable to continue working, but none can handle the 100,000 horses sent to slaughter each year. Such a flood of horses on the industry would cause the price of horses to plummet, the price of caring for horses to increase, and many horse owners to be unable to continue caring for their animals.

Animal rights groups would have us believe that slaughterhouses are torture facilities where horses meet slow, agonizing deaths at the hands of evil, faceless men. Not in America. The same humane laws in place for all other animals sent to slaughter apply to horses: a quick, painless death.

Overzealous activists will also claim that responsible horse owners prefer to euthanize their horses and bury them in the backyard with a fancier tombstone than their human family members.

The majority of horse owners are responsible and loving enough to desire the deaths of their animals to serve a purpose, not become yet another urn on a cold stone mantle.

The fact is, anti-slaughter is a cruel solution to a minor problem. Horses are magnificent creatures, loving companions, and hard workers who deserve our highest level of care and affection, which includes caring for the industry they are a part of and, when the difficult decision of their deaths must be made, choosing a meaningful death.

For more information, see Closing slaughterhouses will hurt horses, not save them.


Copyright 1997-2007 Utah State University Department of Journalism & Communication, Logan UT 84322, (435) 797-3292
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