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COLD FEET: Birds take to the ice as winter makes its appearance at Yellowstone National Park. / Photo by Nancy Williams

Today's word on journalism

Monday, November 5, 2007

On Objectivity:

"I still insist that 'objective journalism' is a contradiction in terms. But I want to draw a very hard line between the inevitable reality of 'subjective journalism' and the idea that any honestly subjective journalist might feel free to estimate a crowd at a rally for some candidates the journalist happens to like personally at 2,000 instead of 612 -- or to imply that a candidate the journalist views with gross contempt, personally, is a less effective campaigner than he actually is."

-- Hunter S. Thompson, from Fear & Loathing: CORRECTIONS, RETRACTIONS, APOLOGIES, COP-OUTS, ETC., a 1972 memo to Rolling Stone editor Jann S. Wenner, excerpted in the current (November 2007) issue of Harper’s Magazine (Thanks to alert WORDster Andy Merton)

North Logan OK's transit tax, traffic change policy

By Bria Jones

October 22, 2007 | NORTH LOGAN -- Council members approved many items on the agenda Thursday night, including an ordinance authorizing the public transit tax at .30 percent for Cache Valley Transit District services.

The approval reinstates the previous sales tax that was in place at .25 percent. The .30 percent tax is essentially the same amount, compensating for the State Legislature's decision to reduce the unprepared food tax rate portion of the tax.

Cache Valley residents will be able to vote on an additional .25 percent raise on Nov. 6, which is separate from the tax approved by the council.

The council also approved a resolution establishing a policy that requires a majority vote of the city council for advice and consent on any changes to speed limits, four-way stop signs, traffic signal lights, and school zones within the city.

Any changes would come with advice to the mayor from the Traffic Safety Board, which is made up of council members from both North Logan and Hyde Park, the mayors of both cities, and citizen representation from both cities.

The council's prior recommendation to the Traffic Safety Board for a change in the speed limit on 800 East from 40 mph to 30 mph was not effective due to the lack of a policy on the process regarding such changes. The 800 East matter will be readdressed in a traffic control meeting in November.

Council members also approved the development plan for the Heritage Park Industrial Park subdivision, located approximately between 2850 North and 3100 North and from Main St. to 400 West.

The plan was approved after developers agreed to put together an engineered plan for the subdivision to hook up to a secondary water system in the future. This requires the development to install water system sleeving so that roads will not have to be disturbed when the system is available for connection.

Also approved were a resolution to recertify the North Logan City Justice Court, and the approval of a development agreement for Quality Auto to build in unincorporated county land next to North Logan and hook up to the city's water and sewer, anticipating future annexation.

The council also approved a three-lot subdivision concept plan for resident Tim Israelsen, dividing two parcels into three lots, located at roughly 2190 North 800 East. The council stipulated that curbing, gutter, and sidewalk be installed by Israelsen.

Also approved was a resolution changing the city's personnel policy for accrual of sick leave and vacation time for employees while receiving worker's compensation. The change now allows those employees to accrue up to a year's worth of sick leave during such instances, if they have been employed for at least six months.


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