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PUT AWAY YOUR TOYS: Sunday brought perfect weather for hot-air ballooning over the Old Mendon Highway -- but when it's over, you still have to pack up. / Photo by Nancy Williams

Today's word on journalism

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"Paranoia means having all the facts."

--William S. Burroughs, Beat Generation writer (1914-1997)

Newlyweds negotiate 'Falling Rocks,' win Week of Welcome game show

By Rebekah Bradway

September 5, 2006 | A Utah State University newlywed couple won a night's stay at the Anniversary Inn for beating competitors in a mock The Newlywed Game for the university's annual Week of Welcome (WOW).

Keenan and Brittani Atwood, married eight months, earned the most points in a preliminary round and the final round of the game Thursday at the TSC patio. To gain points, couples responded to questions and gave the same answers. One spouse stood behind the other, holding a sheet of paper behind the other's head so the audience could see the answer written on it. The seated spouse answered the same question verbally.

The event was organized by senior Tabbi Perkins, USU's programming vice president, and consisted of two preliminary rounds, each with three

couples, and a final round, consisting of the winners of the first two rounds.

Host Zach Ames, a junior involved in the university's Student Activities Board, hosted the event, asking the first group of husbands what traffic sign would symbolize their wives in a bad mood. While the women held up the words "STOP" and "Exit Only," Keenan Atwood's answer, "Falling Rocks," got the most laughs from the USU student audience.

Other questions ranged from personal favorites ("Who is your wife's favorite actor?" and "What color does your husband most like when you wear?") to simple facts or opinions ("What kind of shampoo does your wife use?" and "What type of kiss would you label the last one your wife gave you: hohum, so-so, or ooh-la-la?")

The newlywed couples ranged from one being married only eight days on Thursday, Lina and Nathaniel Hardman, to a couple married for more than three years, Jake and TanDee Shaw.

Perkins said she found it interesting that the Shaws had the fewest points even though they [had] been married the longest.

Contestants Eric and Tina McComber, married just over three months, won second place, earning a free one-night stay at the Sherwood Hills Resort. Both the McCombers and the Atwoods also received gift certificates to the restaurants Hamilton's and Café Sabor, while the Atwoods earned an additional gift certificate to S.E. Needham Jewelers.

Ames said the event was held as a "way to reach out to married students." Perkins, who was in charge of WOW, said it added diversity to the school activities, as most are aimed at single students.

"My goal is retention," Perkins said, but for the married students, she said she wants to try to play The Newlywed Game again in January.

The Anniversary Inn, S.E. Needham Jewelers, Sherwood Hills Resort, Hamilton's and Café Sabor sponsored the event.

HAPPY, WINNING COUPLE: Keenan and Brittani Atwood, ABOVE, laugh as they agree on the worst joke Keenan told that week: "HIV- Are you positive?"

Below, by agreeing that Brittani wouldn't want anyone cut out of their wedding pictures, the Atwoods win the final round of The Newlywed Game. / Photos by Rebekah Bradway




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