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PUT AWAY YOUR TOYS: Sunday brought perfect weather for hot-air ballooning over the Old Mendon Highway -- but when it's over, you still have to pack up. / Photo by Nancy Williams

Today's word on journalism

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"Paranoia means having all the facts."

--William S. Burroughs, Beat Generation writer (1914-1997)

Aggie fans in the in seats a key to winning, Guy says

TALKIN' MOTIVATION: Football coach Brent Guy responds to a question from Al Lewis. / Photo by Mikaylie Kartchner

By Irene Hannagan

September 8, 2006 | USU football needs its fans in the stands.

That's the word from Coach Brent Guy, who spoke with KVNU's Al Lewis about last Saturday's 38-7 loss to Wyoming. It's how USU students can help the Aggies win, he said at the weekly Brent Guy radio show, Thursday night in the TSC Marketplace.

Guy opened by asking USU students to give their energy to the team.

"We need the students in the stands," he said.

The students are the lifeblood of the university and when they're cheering from the sidelines, distracting the other team during play calls and just present at games, it gives the players the motivation to win, he said.

Most questions at the Coach's Show focused on what students can do to help the team and how Guy is keeping his players motivated.

When asked what students can do Guy responded that distracting hand gestures and shouts for the other team and cheers for USU are the best help.

"At home it's the energy and excitement," he said. "On a road game you're cheering for yourself."

USU students have a chance to give their energy at Sept. 9 game against the University of Utah.

When asked what his motivation is, guest football player Leon Jackson III, quarterback and native of Long Beach, Calif., shared that he is motivated to win by his mother, who suffers from sickle cell anemia.

"My mom used her situation to shed light on what I need to work on," said Jackson.

Like their own families, the team has become a family through camp, practice and workouts in the weight room at 5 a.m.

"You end up with close friends," said Jackson.

Teammate Daryl Fields, linebacker and native of Encino, Calif., joined the discussion before Jackson arrived and discussed the youthful appearance of this year's Aggie roster.

"We're still a young team," he said. "The more [we] play together the better [we] get."

After a lopsided loss to Wyoming last weekend, Fields is looking forward to the game against Arkansas Saturday night.

"[They're] ripe for the taking," said Fields.

Guy had encouraging words for fans when he responded to the question of how he keeps the team motivated.

"We have to play every game one at a time," said Guy, "and fix mistakes Tuesday rather than Saturday."

The team is focusing on executing and finishing plays against Arkansas. That was an important factor missing from Wyoming's game, Jackson explained.

The new Western Athletic Conference (WAC) timing and clock rules made the plays at Wyoming a little more difficult, Guy said. Rule changes require the clock to start anytime a change of possession happens (fumbles and recoveries) and whenever the toe touches the ball.

Saturday's game against Arkansas may have a familiar ring to the plays since Arkansas head coach, Houston Nut, and Guy are former teammates at Oklahoma State University. They also coached together for five years.

Despite the loss to Wyoming and the power of Arkansas, Guy is preparing his team for a large crowd and a fast defense.

The Brent Guy radio show is every Thursday from 6 to 7 p.m. Next week's is at the LDS Institute.

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