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PUT AWAY YOUR TOYS: Sunday brought perfect weather for hot-air ballooning over the Old Mendon Highway -- but when it's over, you still have to pack up. / Photo by Nancy Williams

Today's word on journalism

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"Paranoia means having all the facts."

--William S. Burroughs, Beat Generation writer (1914-1997)

Hyde Park council OKs flag lot

By Natalie Cook

September 29, 2006 | HYDE PARK -- "This land is your land, this land is my land" was the running theme of Wednesday night's City Council meeting.

A flag lot was approved on a 3-2 vote after nearly two years of debate. Alan Peterson's flag lot will be located on his current property on Mountain View Drive. Several neighbors expressed concern that the current safety issues on the narrow, dead-end street will be exacerbated if another driveway is added, making tight quarters even tighter.

"There were a lot of emotions here tonight, but if opinions can outweigh the law then why even try?" Peterson said of the long-awaited approval.

Approving council members said pre-existing safety issues are not the fault of Peterson, and that they approved the lot because he had done everything necessary by law to have the plan passed.

Representatives from the U.S. Forest Service and the Bear River Watershed Council notified the council that they are producing a plan to enforce a law which restricts individuals from using motorized vehicles in designated wilderness areas in the hills on the east side of town.

They asked the council for their support and help to make the enforcements possible by donating the use of machinery or volunteers. The plan is still in its beginning stages, so they will return to have it approved at a later date when it is finalized and citizens can have an input.

Mayor Kooyman anticipates that citizens may be opposed to losing use of that land after it has gone on for so long. Lisa Perez of the Forest Service said the plan's objectives will be to conserve water and keep the wilderness wild.


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