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DIE-HARD AGGIE FANS: Students show their Aggie colors at the home game vs. Nevada. The Aggies came so close, but lost 31-28. Click Arts&Life for a link to photos. / Photo by Heather Routh

Today's word on journalism

Monday, October 22, 2007

Can't Scare the Old Gray Lady:

"Good journalism for an intelligent general audience is hard. And we’re really good at it. Taking on The Times is not as easy as waving a credit card and proclaiming yourself 'fair and balanced. . . .' We have every reason to feel confident that we can hold our own if [Rupert] Murdoch decides to build The Journal beyond its business-reader base. In all the Murdoch parlor-gaming, I don’t hear anyone suggesting that he would attempt to match the depth of our coverage in culture, science, education, health, religion, sports, lifestyle, etc., etc. Not to mention business coverage that even devout Journal readers find they can't afford to miss."

-- Bill Keller, editor, New York Times, on Murdoch's promised Wall Street Journal challenge to Times national dominance, Oct. 16, 2007


The importance of being a club

Editor's Note: This is the first in an occasional series about USU clubs. Up next: Longboarders.

JOIN, PLEASSSSE: A boa slithers around the shoulders of a USU student interested in forming a club of animal lovers. / Photo by Heather Routh

By Sam Broadbent

September 6, 2007 | "One is the loneliest number that you will ever do," said Danny Hutton, lead singer of Three Dog Night.

To prevent students from being "one," Utah State University provides clubs.

"We are all looking for fun with people with our same interests," said Sonny Bryant, vice president of Campus Diversity and Organizations. "Clubs make that possible."

In addition to just having fun, Bryant emphasized that clubs at USU are a key factor in student involvement. Clubs help increase student retention.

"It's an easy way to get involved and it forces you to talk to people," said USU student Mitch Onkes, giving his reason for joining clubs.

According to the USU Student Organization Manual, providied by the Council of Student Clubs and Organizations, "Participation is the key to success. Going to college is more than attending classes, reading books and taking tests. Learning should be a part of every aspect of your college experience."

Of his own experience with clubs, Bryant said, "They helped make the university my university."

At the end of last year USU had 215 clubs, the largest club being The Hurd with 730 members. Athletic Vice President Megan Darrington said the club was started to better support USU athletics. Currently, The Hurd has 930 members.

"It's a club for everyone," continued Darrington."It's a good way to get the student body united in Aggie pride. In the future I want to see most of the student body in The Hurd."

Bryant said he would like students to use these clubs as an opportunity to experience being in leadership positions. "Leadership in a club motivated me to do better in school," said Bryant.

The USU Student Organization Manual also states, "Utah State University recognizes that student organizations not only enhance campus life but also provide an opportunity for students to fulfill a variety of interests and leadership skills."

Bryant said any student could form a club if a few requirements are met: The club must have at least six members who attend all Council of Student Clubs and Organizations meetings. The club must have a constitution, a mission statement, and allow any student to join.

To start a club, contact Sonny Bryant in the ASUSU offices on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center or go to and click the link beneath Create Your Own Club.

"If you are not sure how to start a club come see me an I will walk you through the whole process," said Bryant.

Bryant wants the clubs from last year to know they must re-registar for the new school year.



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