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Today's word on journalism

Monday, October 22, 2007

Can't Scare the Old Gray Lady:

"Good journalism for an intelligent general audience is hard. And we’re really good at it. Taking on The Times is not as easy as waving a credit card and proclaiming yourself 'fair and balanced. . . .' We have every reason to feel confident that we can hold our own if [Rupert] Murdoch decides to build The Journal beyond its business-reader base. In all the Murdoch parlor-gaming, I don’t hear anyone suggesting that he would attempt to match the depth of our coverage in culture, science, education, health, religion, sports, lifestyle, etc., etc. Not to mention business coverage that even devout Journal readers find they can't afford to miss."

-- Bill Keller, editor, New York Times, on Murdoch's promised Wall Street Journal challenge to Times national dominance, Oct. 16, 2007

Lewiston discusses replacing city sidewalks

By Jake Williams

September 20, 2007 | LEWISTON -- Lewiston citizens can expect better sidewalks in their fair city -- someday.

Beyond declaring an old snowplow and air compressor as surplus property, the Lewiston City Council didn't make any decisions beyond the need for more information when they met Tuesday night to discuss replacement of the city's aging sidewalks.

"Some of them were put in 80 years ago," said Councilman Darwin Pitcher.

Mayor Kelly Field confirmed Pitcher's claim, citing sidewalk construction documentation from 1916.

The council disagreed on several points during discussions, including whether an engineering study should be undertaken where sidewalks are being replaced instead of added. Pitcher, for one, contended that such a study seemed unnecessary.

Payment for the walkways was the real holdup, however, and the council discussed several avenues of finance including government grants, city-wide taxation, and even asking homeowners to pay for the sidewalk work done on their own property.

Karen Jackson said, "Homeowners should pay for enhancements for their own properties."

Kim "Fizz" Bodily replied, "I don't think (a new sidewalk) enhances my property that much."

When discussion wrapped up, the council agreed that public works officials be allowed to take a look at the city's sidewalks, and to look further into acquiring state funding and forming a district for construction.

Although the actual amount of replacement work is still undecided, the council expects the cement to cost approximately $100/yd and each city block repaired to use 40 yards of material.

In other business, Pitcher said the city will have a snowplow from Ogden for the winter, the cost of which fell well below the expected $85,000. The used Ogden plow is Lewiston's for just $35,000 and led to the old plow's designation as surplus property.

There was no discussion as to whether the extra $50,000 will be used to build approximately 12 city blocks of sidewalk.


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