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ASKING THE EXPERTS: Playground designer Barry Segal gets ideas from River Heights students about a playground to honor Ryan Adams. Click Arts&Life for link to story. / Photo by Mikaylie Kartchner

Today's word on journalism

Monday, January 29, 2007

Words as weapons:

"When he had a pen in his hand it was like giving a kid a machine gun."

--Peter Hall, theater director, on "Angry Young Man" playwright John Osborne (1929-1994)





The F-word at Utah State University
Feminism, also referred to as the "F-word", has become an integral part of Utah State University, said Brenda Cooper, the current director of the Women and Gender Studies (WGS) program at USU. She said she defines feminism as the belief in equality for everyone. / By Sarah Cozzens

Children of divorce can have a tough time with the label, even in college
The culture of Utah casts a shadow on those students who don't share the ideal Utah background. The reinforced stereotype labels students, not parents, as "divorced" and leaves students explaining situations and providing answers as to why. / By Morgan Russell

Teachers' gender affects connection to students, experts say
We all learn from them, male or female, but does the gender of a teacher really affect the way students learn? / By Kristalee Bird

Are you on MySpace?
MySpace, your space, our space, whose space? / By Alexis Lear

Video documentary: 'Hearing Nothing,' a look at the need for American Sign Language interpreters
USU's deaf students are suffering, but what is the university doing about it? The issue is affecting people nationwide. / Produced by Brittany Nelson

Creative writers have a place to share their words
Creative writers from the USU campus and the Logan community have found a place to meet together and share their work. Whether reading an original poem or short story, or reading a chapter from a novel, at Helicon West people never get the same the twice. / By Kathryn Kemp


Domestic violence all too common at holidays, leaving Christmas scars instead of presents
Children sleep under the tree at Christmas awaiting even a glimpse of Santa Claus, the jolly happy man, who comes to bring presents December 25 to every little girl and boy. This was not the scene that 8-year-old Thomas Valletta saw on the eve of Christmas. / By Ranae Bangerter

Where's the better breakfast? Local Angie's or IHOP?
Some people wonder what makes the difference between certain national food chains and local restaurants. I have often wondered this myself and decided to evaluate two restaurants specializing in their breakfast menu. / By Melanie Nelson

The man (and woman) behind Santa's sleigh
If you celebrate Christmas and you're old enough to legally operate a motor vehicle then you probably remember when you found out the crushing truth that Santa Claus isn't real. If by reading this you are just now discovering the truth for yourself -- I'm sorry. How did your parents do it? / By Joey Hislop

The fraternity guy's guide to giving gifts to girls
So there is nothing that messes up a good thing with a girl like Christmas, you inevitably get her the wrong present for whatever stage your relationship is in. College is especially difficult with all the serial monogamy that is going on. / By Dave Connell

The sweet, small taste of Costa Rica
Costa Rica is located in Central America between Nicaragua and Panama and is smaller than West Virginia. With the Pacific coast to the west and the Caribbean to the east, the country is mostly all coastlines. Costa Rica is located about eight degrees north of the equator, making the climate tropical year round. This means great surfing, beaches, and tropical weather. / By Cameron Cope

The Caine Lyric Theatre deserves name of 'crown jewel of Center Street'
Logan city boasts many historic buildings and sites along Main Street and Center Street, giving the city an old-time feel and small-town atmosphere. There are many historic gems for the tourist and the local alike, but among the finest buildings in Logan stands the Caine Lyric Theatre located at 28 W. Center Street. / By Brandon Monson

College memories aren't made by studying
The other day I was faced with a decision I've been facing for the last three years, academics or fun. I made the same choice I make every time. I'll probably regret that choice next week. That's the way I want it. / By Marty Archibald

'Hey, how's it going?' Much better, if you adopt my plan
Sit down kind sir, its time to have a chat. We aren't related, nor are we friends per se. We are but mere acquaintances. Other than possibly our respective first names, the only thing we know for sure is that we recognize one another when, like today, our paths cross. / By Jake Williams

Christmas spirit? Bah, humbug
Some might say it's still alive, but after looking at more than 1,000 people lined up to get into an electronics store the day after Thanksgiving, I have to disagree. "Christmas spirit" is like a sick reindeer. A world of Nintendo Wiis, Playstation 3s and Tickle Me Elmo Extremes has helped foster a society where children think the meaning of Christmas is to not only get something, but get something cool. / By Tyler Riggs

Getting arrested for possession of toilet paper - priceless
Life is full of trade offs that don't seem worth it at the time, but as life goes on, we discover that we made a great deal. Like the time I traded a clean criminal record for the chance to have my crazy neighbor to hold me at gunpoint. / By Steve Shinney

Hi, I'm Dave and I'm a Myspace addict
Myspace, the social networking Web site is a phenomenon that has surpassed all expectations of popularity. When I signed up for my Myspace account at the encouragement of friends it was just more of a joke than anything. I couldn't help wondering, Is this the final nail in the coffin of being a loser? But with over 50 million other losers, many of them being very hot females, I easily justified it. / By David Connell

Rating chicken-noodle soups: the good, the bland and the ugly
It's that time of the year again when red and green seem to be everywhere, when our lawns are replaced by a few feet of snow, and when soccer moms pull each other's hair out over Sesame Street dolls. Yes, even the winter season has its dark side, and we know it as Cold and Flu Season. It's time to pull out some extra blankets, the humidifier and a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup. Here's some advice on which brands to buy and which ones to avoid. / By C. D Clawson

Religious discussions in Utah present many faces, in person or on the Internet
The distinct culture developed in Utah acts a catalyst for many religious discussions. These discussions through out the years have taken on many faces. Much of Utah's history and culture is easily traced back to the westward migration of Brigham Young and his fellow Saints. Even before the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints completely relocated, problems and other Americans joined them in locations isolated from the rest of the world. / By Jacob Fullmer

Knowing the rulesmay be the best help to avoid parking citations at USU
With so many dishes on a college student’s plate, knowing all the rules becomes a challenge. One particular challenge that can be overlooked is the rules on parking. / By Ryan Hall

USU students organizing to support fairly traded coffee
"It is contradictory and unacceptable that we are contributing to social injustice, by serving coffee that is not 100 percent fairly traded," USU student Leilani Vaiaoga said. / By Tabitha Lazenby

Stress is normal -- how we manage it is the trick to learn
It is normal to have stress but it's how you manage it that may cause problems, says Dr. John Barrett. He is a family physician who has been at the USU Student Health and Wellness Center filling in for the last couple of weeks. / By Misty Johnson

Studying doesn't have to be hard
Every person who has ever attended a class in school with a desire to perform well knows how difficult it is. It is harder than attending the class to begin with. It is equal to eating your vegetables as a kid. It is studying. / By Marques Chavez

Some kids were lucky - they grew up to be North Logan firemen
Local fire station seeks willing, hard workers to aide in the protection of a community, dalmatians need not apply. / By Erin Wadsworth

Karl Seethaler works to preserve Providence history
As chairman of the Historic Preservation Committee, Karl Seethaler has the opportunity to participate in the community, and by studying the city's history he is able to see how much Providence has grown. / By Dave Mehr

Finding water deep enough for baptism was a challenge in Uruguay
No one in the small Uruguayan town of Carmen ever expected to have a baptism there, so it's understandable that they had never put much thought into where to baptize someone. "You'll never even find anyone to teach here," said Carlos, one of two men who attended the small Latter-day Saint branch in Carmen. "They're too hard." / By Joseph Shepherd

Engineering students headed for Africa to iinstall safe drinking water systems
As most students head home for the holiday break, a few Utah State students have very different plans. Utah State's Engineers Without Borders will be in Uganda to install pumps and wells for clean drinking water. / By Katie Petersen

USU's 'Gear-Up' program gives teens a boost toward college
The federal government is using tax dollars to give back to the community. USU has been awarded a $130,000 grant to support the Gear-up program, aimed at helping students from grades 7 through 12 get to college. / By Natalie Cook

Looking for a job that fits around your school schedule? Here's some help
When Utah State University freshman Leah Hansen set out to find a job this semester she never expected it to be one of the most difficult things she would have to do on her own. / By Erin Wadsworth

USU's 'academic opportunity fund' helps undergrads travel to present research
Brittany Webb, a senior dual-majoring in physics and chemistry, recently attended a conference in Mexico to present research on a Women and Gender Study on why women advance and or leave professional organizations. / By Angela Busselberg

Singles ward tradition helps kids whose parents are in drug court
A group of Logan college students will get the chance to overlook faults and provide a local family a Christmas this year that otherwise wouldn't happen. / By Clay Moffitt

Survival's not the only worry for people dealing with hemophilia
Utah resident and hemophiliac Scott Anderson, 15, knows the burden of hemophilia all too well. Scott has dealt with his hemophilia all his life and endured all the necessary factor infusions that go with it. Scott isn't even able to drive yet, but has been told by his parents that he's already beginning to get close to his lifetime insurance cap. Scott is afraid he'll find himself in a position where no insurance company will want to take him as a liability because of his condition. / By Devin Anderson

It hasn't quite hit me, but my college years are over
It still hasn't hit me that I will be completely done cramming for finals. It still hasn't hit me that I will be completely done planning out my classes for next semester. It still hasn't hit me that I will no longer be able to go to basketball games for free. / By Jessica Alexander

Domestic violence plays with victims' minds, making it tough to break the cycle
"He hit me, I can't believe he hit me," is all Karen Leishman could say, her fingers trailing absentmindedly over her cheek, the cheek which had been brutally beaten only a year before. The memory of abuse haunted her face and she spoke sadly, reopening the stitches of her emotional wound. / By Megan Sonderegger

Shop-with-a-Cop lives on because of K-Mart employee's dedication, deputy says
Officers from every agency in Cache County teamed with local retail store K-Mart for "Shop with a Cop," a program where kids can team up with an officer and spend $100 on anything they want to buy. / By Tracy Lund

Hyde Park mayor hopes new holiday traditions will outlast his term
Mayor Dave Kooyman has begun two new holiday traditions in Hyde Park that he hopes will last well beyond his years in office. / By Natalie Cook

Going home for the holidays has changed a bit since a certain someone came into my life
Definition of home: a house or apartment that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household. For 20 years I have been calling the place where I grew up home because that is where my family lives and I love and cherish them very much. But recently there has been a person in my life who changed all that, and has turned my life around. / By Megan C Tschida

Tips to keep winter driving under control
With snow covering mountains and valleys it is once again time for winter driving. This time of year always leaves me a little uneasy on the roadways. In my six years as a driver I have already slid into a curb twice on slippery roads. The first time was easy to brush off—I was only 16-years-old and it was my first year driving. But the second time was a little more embarrassing. / By Jennifer Lund

'Redhead Nation' off to a rosy start
The days of redhead jokes and low self-esteem are over for the redhead nation at Utah State University. / By Irene Gudmundson

Quackers plans to stay put with Ms. Sue in North Logan's library
The city library comes to life on Thursdays and Fridays as Sue Randleman and Quackers delight kids of all ages. / By Erin Wadsworth

Student with cancer says 'so much good' has happened through his worst trial
It’s the kind of story that TV movies are made of, like a Hallmark special that has to be watched with a box of Kleenex. It’s a storyline we see all the time: A man’s biggest challenge becomes his greatest blessing. For a Utah State University student named Phil, that blessing came because of a 9-year-old girl. / By Kathryn Kemp

Romantics who like elk in the snow look forward to Hardware Ranch opening
About an hour drive away from the USU campus, the 14,000-acre wildlife management area offers elk viewing rides and moonlight rides on Saturdays to the general public, and is a great place to propose to your mate. / By Ryan M. Monk

Reporter's Notebook: My date with the commissioner's daughter
With a great lack of fortitude I listened and wrote. Listened and wrote. Listened and got distracted by the pink, fuzzy slippers walking my way. Don't people usually wear Dockers to these meetings? Well, not really in Nibley. Fifty percent or more of those attending these meetings probably wear cowboy boots. But this girl wasn't. Pink slippers? This is the most exciting thing since that citizen rushed the commissioners' table. / By Jacob Fullmer

Studying abroad changed my life, and my accent, too!
My way of experimentation in college came through studying abroad, and I know I am a better person for it. This past spring I studied in Malaga, Spain; a little city of about 500,000 people on the southern tip of the famously known bull fighting country. I chose to study abroad because I needed to get out of Logan and get out of my comfort zone. / By Alexis Lear

Student fears deflation by belly button
A belly button, or umbilicus as its known in physiology, is what remains after a baby's umbilical cord is removed. It's really just fused scar tissue. The important thing to remember is that every person once had a hole in their stomach and this fused scar tissue is the only thing keeping us from having a hole there again. Back to the cleaning. / By Jake Williams

An American touring Europe: 'My eyes opened, my jaw dropped'
Before I left for Europe I considered myself an open-minded, unsheltered individual. That all changed the minute I walked off the plane in Rome. My eyes opened three inches, and my jaw dropped to the floor. I became an outsider, the minority, and it only made my pride for my home grow stronger. / By Sarah Reale


An A- For 'Apocalypto'
Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto is undeniably a wonderful film, and arguably one of the best pictures of the year. The simple story, the beautiful cinematography and the passable acting encompass this film. The directing is top notch and the musical score seamlessly woven into the background. / By Ryan Pence

Taj and the rise of predictability
If you were like me, you were sitting in the theater and asking, "Haven't I seen this movie before?" The answer: "Yes, various times." / By Ryan Pence


Fifteen cents a song -- is it too good to be true?
Tabbi Perkins is willing to pay one dollar to download music- as long as that gets her an entire album. / By Morgan Rindlesbach

Wild Art

Finals week takes over, changing student sleeping and study hours / Photos by Brianna Mortensen

Alley "Oops, we scored again!" / Photos of the And1 basketball game by Patrick Oden


Across Bridgerland

Be smart: lock your car doors, hide those presents
This holiday season, when you're driving to the mall to get that perfect gift for that special someone, make sure to lock your car door. / By Landon Bench

Most Cache Valley city councils open meetings with prayer
Fourteen city councils in Cache Valley regularly hold prayer before each meeting. / By Ryan M. Monk

Local volunteers go all out to bring a merry Christmas to needy families
This year as the holiday season nears, many are thinking of that perfect stocking-stuffer or the newest appliance for our homes. Unfortunately, many people even in Cache County will be going without such extras. / By Landon Bench

Earthquake: No one knows when the 'big one' might hit Cache Valley
The experts don't know when it's coming, but they all agree Utah is overdue for a big earthquake. / By Jason A. Givens

Snowy roads will soon make driving trickier
For many drivers snow presents a bit of a conundrum when it comes to safe driving, acting as though they have never seen snow in their lives. Although the snow has not hit Cache Valley too hard, all residents know what's in store for the coming months. They're not just dreading inversion, but that multi-foot layer of white stuff creating panic for commuters. / By Erin Wadsworth

Local News

USU continues cloning and plans on doing so with endangered species soon
In the summer of 2003, Project Idaho, a joint venture between USU and the University of Idaho, produced three mule foals, all cloned from a single animal. / By Cody Gochnour

River Heights P&Z stumped on splitting flag lots
Tony Nielson stumped the Planning and Zoning Commission last week on whether a flag lot can be divided, but that's OK, he still wouldn't be able to build on the lots right away. Nielson plans on building two homes to be sold on the lots if the division is approved, but with the frigid December temperatures, he can't do much until it warms up. / By Clay Moffitt

Nibley works to find way to preserve historic barn at Elkhorn Ranch
A building with over 100 years of local history is up for bid -- and the city is the foremost buyer. / By Jacob Fullmer

Paradise development study recommends zoning changes to restrict building, preserve quality
As home, land and estate values rise and more people build in Cache County, potential impacts may be deterioration of air and water quality, loss of wildlife habitat and other landscape issues. / By Rebekah Bradway

Zollingers' River Heights farm 'more stable' since land trust deal
Last May, the Zollinger Fruit and Tree Farm sought the help of the Trust for Public Land, and now the Zollingers say they're stable enough to be a self-sufficient business. / By Clay Moffitt

Canyon Road may lose only one tree, mayor says
About two months ago, Mayor Randy Watts agreed in City Council to conduct a study to decide if the Canyon Road expansion could be accomplished without uprooting trees on certain residences along the road. Now the study is just about complete and things are looking pretty optimistic for arboreal enthusiasts. / By Clay Moffitt

Two arrested on suspicion of evading police
Jose Reyes and Cristia Jensen were arrested on suspicion of evading police and providing false information in addition to drug charges on Friday. / By Clay Moffitt

Woman's sentencing postponed for psych evaluation
First District Court judge Clint S. Judkins decided Monday that Asha Betters needs to have a psychological evaluation before she is sentenced. / By Clay Moffitt

Hyde Park's boom in growth means sewer system must be improved, council says
The rapid rate of population growth in Hyde Park will soon necessitate a new school. However, the city's sewer resources are insufficient to support the new buildling. / By Natalie Cook

Woman sentenced to prison for DUI
Sherri Stone pleaded guilty to a list of six charges Tuesday in First District Court. Stone, 35, was sentenced to 0 to 5 years in the Utah State Prison and must complete the Excel program in the state prison to help her recover from her alcohol addiction. / By Natalie Cook

Cache Rendezvous video for 12/07/06: art department, hot gifts and Logan food pantry
The holidays are swinging into full gear and we have plenty of things going on around campus and around Logan. We take you in and around the USU art department from photography and flutes to drama and choirs. And just in time for Christmas, we show you what gifts are hot this year. Also see what USU students and the community are doing to keep Logan's food pantry full this holiday season. / Producer: Justin Siebenhaar. Associate Producers: Brit Shepherd and Amanda Wouden. Hosts: Paul Garrett and Di Lewis

Paradise should be exempt from county's new ag stamp requirement, council decides
This city should not be required to follow the new county requirement of having engineering stamps to construct ag buildings, the Town Council agreed at its meeting Wednesday evening. / By Rebekah Bradway

Kickin' Aggie Sports Show video for 12/06/06
As the football season has come to its close, we recap the team's win and losses throughout the fall. And not only did the Aggies finish up their season, we give a Christmas tribute the completion of the recent Fantasy Football season. With apologies to Clement Moore, we show you 'Twas the Night Before Christmas the Fantasy Football way. / Producer: Matthew L. Glade. Anchors: Di Lewis and Chad Giles

USU student Elizabeth Wortley named Utah's PR Student of the Year
Elizabeth Wortley, a Utah State University senior majoring in public relations, won first prize in the inaugural Utah PR Student of the Year competition, sponsored by the Greater Salt Lake Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA).

ATV News video for 12/04/06
Winter driving tips; reducing stress before the test; picking the perfect Christmas tree. / Producer: Brock Anderson. Anchors: Amanda Wouden and Liz Livingston. Sports: Matthew L. Glade

North Logan woman pleads guilty to DUI
A 27-year-old North Logan woman pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs and driving on a denied license Friday morning in First District Court. / By Landon Bench

State revokes probation recommendation for sex offender, court reschedules sentencing
A Smithfield man charged with multiple counts of rape, rape of a child and sodomy, has been given a new sentencing date after the state revoked its recommendation that he to participate in probation. / By Rebekah Bradway

Providence man suspected of meth distribution
A Providence man was arrested and booked Thursday by the Smithfield Police Department on suspicion of methamphetamine distribution. / By Jason A. Givens

Police investigate two Logan school burglaries
After Adams and Wilson Elementary schools let out last Wednesday for the extended break, someone broke into both schools after hours. Around $400 and a digital camera were stolen. / By Jacob Fullmer

Broadcast journalism students now able to reach a worldwide audience
Web casts of ATV News, Kickin’ Aggie Sports and the news magazine Cache Rendezvous are now linked to the Hard News Café Web site. New episodes of ATV can be seen every Monday, Cache Rendezvous on Wednesdays and Kickin’ A.S.S. on Thursdays. / By Jason A. Givens

Nibley subdivision approved; some residents worry about losing rural atmosphere
A new subdivision was approved Wednesday night by Nibley Planning and Zoning but some citizens have mixed feelings about potential new neighbors. / By Jacob Fullmer
Subdivisión de Nibley fue aprobaday los residentes están preocupados de perder el ambiente rural


Letter from the future, to Kofi Annan
Today ends eight long years of us trying to sort out differences and work together to bring a better world to the next generation. I am going now and you can rest easy. To be honest, you must have been resting easy for the last eight years. I have rarely called your bluff nor have ever really pressed you to "do the right thing" or keep the promises you made when you took office as Secretary General. / By Justin Siebenhaar

Leave it to a Utah couple
After moving to Utah I started to notice that many of my peers were either married or engaged to be married. I was in complete awe because I had just barely graduated high school and was leaving home for the first time. I still felt so young and immature and couldn't imagine being married. / By Rachel Katseanes

Kind words from Iran's Ahmadinejad? Watch your back
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent a letter to the American people recently. And what a nice letter it was. Of course, this man is not an idiot and he knows exactly what he's doing (and what he's not doing for that matter). It will seem to those who refuse to recognize the danger of this man that he is making concessions for peace. / By Justin Siebenhaar

Service shouldn't end when Christmas does
It's that time of year again. Christmas trees go up, lights are hung from the roof, carols are played on the radio and people open their hearts and share with those in need. But a Christmas service project is not enough. We should be doing more. / By Kathryn Kemp

Eccles Theatre, spared this year by private donation, deserves city funding
The Ellen Eccles Theater on Main Street in Logan will most likely see a cut in budget this coming year from the city, says Wally Bloss, executive director at the Cache Valley Center for the Arts. "I'm not sure we've been able to show the mayor the value of the arts," he said. / By Jenn Pulham

I'm finally graduating! Now that I know what I'm talking about, allow me to share my lessons
This weekend I will stand in a long line of black robes waiting to be handed a piece of paper. A piece of paper that symbolizes what I've worked for the past four years. Sitting at the computer this morning I realized that most of the lessons I've learned in those years have come outside the classroom. As a soon-to-be graduate I would say I've gained some experience. Pretty much, I know what I'm talking about. / By Jenn Pulham

Winter programs in schools should be culturally sensitive
Courts and school districts have been battling in the war of Christmas and religion in schools for years. Most public school districts through out the country refer to the school break between the first and second semester of school as the Winter Break, not Christmas vacation, to stay more politically correct. / By Elizabeth Devlin

Bolton's swift exit a blow to American democracy
John Bolton's resignation last week as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations appears to have had a transforming effect on George Bush's presidential demeanor. / By Leon D'Souza

Dear Old Guy: here's how my generation feels about the issues
Some old guy came and talked to our class the other day. How old? I don't know, once you hit 60 it's all the same anyways. He said he wants to hear the voice of our generation, those in college. / By Marty Archibald

Memories of 9-11 include pride for nation's values
At the time, I was living Mountain View Towers, a boys-only dormitory that only housed out-of-state students. As news of the terrorist attack spread, students who had family or friends in New York City made desperate phone calls home, trying to ensure that their loved ones were OK. / By Matt Lenio

One last word of advice before I graduate -- the best education happens outside your classroom
"I like what you do, when you do, what you do, you make me want to shoop," Chelsea sings as she does a hip thrusting movement in her chair as she attempts to finish her paper. / By Sarah Reale

Open letter to Iran's president
While I do not wish to trivialize the seriousness and sincerity of your communication, I must confess to finding it rather humorous that you chose to characterize the geographical separation of our two nations as an act of "divine providence." That is to say, "a manifestation of God's foresightful care." / By Leon D'Souza

A letter to the editor: My brother the Marine
Let me first begin by expressing my great appreciation for the change that has seemed to bring you and your family closer together. I too share in keeping my family close to my heart. They are irreplaceable, and offer a comfort that can only be offered by those of related blood. Know that I am an avid supporter of acquiring this recognition through whatever means necessary, even if it means through a group as malicious as the Marines. / Submitted by Zach Norton

My brother's no longer a kid - he's a Marine
When my younger brother left for Marines boot camp three months ago, I was terrified. I didn't know what would happen to him. I wondered what kind of person he would become and if he would lower his standards and change his values. I even worried that he would be influenced to get a tattoo. My concerns haunted me over those months, but little did I know I had nothing to worry about. / By Kathryn Kemp

We could have changd the world but opted for American Idol instead
I was reading a book the other day -- On Writing, by Steven King -- in which he said something that really got me thinking. Referring to his generation, he said, "We had a chance to change the world and opted for the Home Shopping Network instead." Not only do I agree with that statement, but I think that my generation is heading down a similarly dangerous path; one that will have consequences for the entire world. / By Justin Siebenhaar

My secretary wears black leather
Don't tell my wife, but she has competition. You see, for more than a few years now there has been another. Another that I share my thoughts with, another that tells me what to do, another that helps me keep my checkbook balanced and last, but certainly not least, another that I can't live without. That's right. But wait! It's not what you think. I'm talking about my planner. / By Joey Hislop


Men's volleyball at USU worth checking out
For most people who enjoy their daily dose of sports, volleyball is not the sport of choice. But the interesting thing about this particular men's volleyball team is their desire to play with no one there to watch. / Erin Wadsworth

Harry's Dream at Beaver Mountain needs only snow to become reality
Employees at Beaver Mountain's office in Logan continue to answer the phone just to hear the same question again and again: "When can we ski the Beav?" This is something everyone in Cache Valley would like to know the answer to. / By Dave Mehr

Chronicling USU's troubles: When you win games, people come
What were you doing on the evening of Oct. 7? If you were driving the streets of Logan after dusk, you were probably all alone. / By Steve Haynie

Gamblng and sports always go together
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The same can also be said for sports and gambling. / By Kenny Reid

And1 basketball team alley oops and dunks to victory in Cache Valley
The And1 players didn't only master with dunks and alley oops; they constantly showed their skills by dribbling through opponents' legs or bouncing the ball off defendants' foreheads before scoring. / By Rebekah Bradway

Writing Wayne Estes' legend turns out to be more than just a story
I first heard about him my second day at USU. For that reason alone I liked to think it was fate. My Connections teacher was a huge fan of basketball and he told us a little about him. It started because we were playing a game and one of the questions was "Who was the greatest basketball player ever to come to USU?" No one knew the answer. / By Andrea Edmunds

Miami season dramatics point to need for better recruiting
To the dismay of thousands of loyal fans, the Miami Hurricane's 2006 season has been tumultuous, and at times, tragic. / By Matt Lenio

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