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ONE TWISTED SISTER: Musician Dee Snider flashes the devil's horns to the crowd at Monster Circus, a rock mecca in Vegas. Click Arts&Life or a link to story. / Photo by Ben Hansen, special contributor

Today's word on journalism

May 8, 2009

The Last WORD

The Fat Lady Sings, Off-Key, Drools

At about this time every year, like the swallows to Capistrano or the buzzards to Hinckley, Ohio, the WORD migrates to its summer musing grounds at the sanitarium —St. Mumbles Home for the Terminally Verbose.

The reason is clear, and never moreso than as this season —the WORD's 13th —peters out.

It's been a fraught year of high palaver and eye-popping transition, both good and not-so-much. An interminable presidential campaign saga finally did end, and in extraordinary and historic fashion. Meanwhile, the bottom and everything that's below the bottom fell out of the economy, with families, homes, entire industries and —of particular interest to WORDsters and the civic-minded —dozens of daily newspapers ("I don't so much mind that newspapers are dying--it's watching them commit suicide that pisses me off." --Molly Ivins). . . all evaporating. What replaces them, from the individual to the institutional to the societal? Are we looking at a future of in-depth Tweeting?

As any newsperson or firehorse knows, it's hard to turn your back on day-to-day catastrophe --we just have to look at the car wreck. But even the most deranged and driven need a rest. As philosopher Lilly Tomlin once observed, "No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up."

So this morning, as a near-frost hovered over northern Utah, the unmarked van pulled into the driveway and the gentle, soft-spoken men in the white coats rolled the WORD out of bed and into a straitjacket for the usual summer trip to St. Mumbles, where the blathering one will be assigned a hammock and fed soothing, healthy foods --like tapioca, dog biscuits and salmon --while recharging the essential muscles of cynicism, outrage, sarcasm, social engagement and high-mindedness, in preparation for the next edition.
Summer well, friends.


Feedback and suggestions--printable and otherwise--always welcome. "There are no false opinions."

APRIL 2009



A sense of belonging
"Jesus is 'Crazy in Love' with you," said the Pastor of the Prince of Peace Lutheran church, just months after moving her congregation into their new church home. / By Travis Hansen

Planning a wedding during finals
Stress is a key element to the college experience. With studying, working, friends, dating and eventually finals, it's no wonder why college can seem daunting. As if the average college student doesn't have enough to worry about, some students choose to add more chaos to the mix by planning a wedding while still in school./ By Megan Wiseman

Aggie Connection: fun or work?
She stares intently at him, sizing him up with her eyes and probing into the deep corners of his soul. He waits for the question. / By Emily Flinders

Aggies, here's how to house-hunt like a pro
Finding a good place to live during college can be challenging if you don't know where, or how, to look. Some students end up moving a few times before finding the "right" place. / By Kelly Greenwood

How to buy a car (especially if you've never done it before)
Like most projects, when buying a car it's best to start with the Internet, says Zachary Call, Ford sales associate. / By Seth Bracken

USU students win roles on TV sitcom pilot
Three USU students received starring roles in an upcoming television sitcom. Tye Smith, Reagan Kent and I, yes I being Ryan Kent, of Logan, Utah, are looking forward to our first script reading next weekend in Los Angeles, California. / By Ryan Kent

Richmond celebrates Holstein cattle with Black & White Days
Richmond City is putting on its Black & White Days event at the Richmond Park on May 12 through May 18. / By David Bowman

Married students at USU struggle to balance time, money
Matthew Moriarty is married, has two children, works a minimum of 40 hours a week and is a full-time student at USU. / By Blaze Bullock

Women's Center giving hope and opportunity to students taking difficult road to college
In 2005, Jenny Erazo decided she'd had enough. Taking her three children and little else, she left Oregon and her abusive husband to move to Utah, where she had an aunt. She thought she would be able to get a good job to support the four of them because she had worked for seven years in her field, working with people with disabilities. However, because she had no college degree, she said she was unable to make anything above minimum wage. She had no job, no income, no savings. / By Lisa Christensen

Did 'The Truant' finally graduate? Alternative newspaper says it's here to stay
They've been called geniuses, sickos and everything in between. Their fans ­ or perhaps more appropriately, those who tolerate them ­ can't seem to get enough of their material, while most others find them distasteful at best. / By Gideon Oakes

Remembrance day of Armenian Genocide held on USU campus
Armenian students hold the day of remembrance for the Armenian Genocide on USU campus today, to revere the memory of the 1.5 million men, women and children fallen at the hands of the Turkish government during 1915-1923, and call the nations to peace and tolerance.

Has today’s generation lost its work ethic?
Waking up early to do chores, then running home on a lunch break to do more chores, only to come home after school to do even more chores. Imagine kids doing that today, running home on lunch break just do get the chores done. That was the life that Ardean Bench had to deal with when growing up. But he learned from an early age what work was and what a good work ethic that life required. / By Jake Ipson

Making Mars a reality
As a boy Scott Bates was raised on a steady diet of fantastic space voyages. From “Star Wars” to “Star Trek” he could race across the stars uncovering galactic conspiracies, meeting alien races, without sacrificing the comforts of his own bed. Like many he dreamed of one day traveling at warp speed, or at least fast enough to get to the moon. The burgeoning space programs across the globe gave hope to the childhood dreams of millions. It seemed that science fiction and reality were inching closer and closer to melding into one glorious journey for mankind. / By Greg Aullman

Passengers' opinions fly high about airport security
Take off your shoes, your jewelry, and your belt. Put any liquids you have in your plastic bag in the bin, along with your purse. If you’re carrying a laptop put it in another bin by itself. Turn around and wave to the friend who dropped you off, because they can come no further. Now, walk through the metal detector and wait for the dreaded beep. It sounds. The guard motions for you to step over to him. He takes a wand and runs it over your body. / By Bethany Crane

Professor profile: Jeannie Johnson
Jeannie Johnson fell in love with political science ever since she took professor Lyons's class at USU. It was her first semester and she never changed her major, knowing exactly where she fit in. She now has taught for ten years as a lecturer, working with the same professor who first sparked her interest in the subject. / By Bethany Crane

Beyond the tests and quizzes
While driving home from Rock Springs and tiny Western Wyoming Community College early one November, a sparkling new Pontiac Grand Am hit a tiny patch of ice. Roads had been mostly bare, no snow was falling, and speed hadn't been reduced. / By Greg Aullman

Aggies mark Earth Day with a fair focused on simple ways to live greener
Living a greener lifestyle accompanied recycling as main themes at an Earth Day fair sponsored by USU Student services Wednesday. / By Aaron Mecham
Aggies marcan el Día de la Tierra con una feria que enfoca la simplicidad de un estilo de vida más ecológico

Lots to consider when looking for a place live for the summer
As people scramble to find a place to live this summer it is important to remember that cost should not be the only determining factor is choosing a place. Students are more than willing to share their experiences to help other students learn from their mistakes. Here is a list of a few of the many places around Cache Valley that students live over the summer, and a testimonies from students who have actually spent their summer there./ By Kandice Crompton

Modifying a decadent recipe for chocolate cupcakes
During the course of the episode she demonstrated how to make the most delicious-looking chocolate cupcakes. I wiped away the drool and I pulled out my laptop and jotted down the recipe. / By Shannon K. Johnson

A confession of a nerd’s addiction
I have a confession to make. I dream about chocolate, in church I think about making crepes and cupcakes. What twenty-two-year-old spends her spare time thinking about what to put in stuffed mushroom caps? It is unusual for any twenty-two-year-old to think about how to make egg-drop soup but it is especially at that very moment that is the culmination of years of education that I should be thinking about. / By Shannon K. Johnson

See the world - sign up for Study Abroad
Taking the opportunity to travel to another country to further an education “can be one of the best experiences for a student,” says Kay Forsyth, the director of the study abroad program at Utah State University. / By David Bowman

Young women of Millville are all "Miss" winners
On Saturday evening seven girls participated in the Miss Millville Pageant at the South Providence Stake Center. /By Jessica Allen

Greater Good Foundation makes a lot from a little
A local grassroots organization, The Greater Good Foundation (GGF), is changing lives and making a difference. Their principle is simple but their impact has been great. / By Brittany Jacox

Advice on picking a graduate school
The most important decision to make when deciding to attend graduate school is whether you want to do research or teach, says Rebecca Smith, a USU Ph.D. student. / By Mark Vuong

Aggie traditions? Not for me!
I graduate in 17 days. I've been getting ready for finals, trying to plan a wedding and getting graduations announcements ready. On a break from the stress yesterday I started looking around the USU website and came across the 'traditions' page. I'd never seen this before and decided to take a look. I had no idea how much I had apparently missed out on in my four years at this school! I decided to do a service to all those students out there who, like me, were apparently in the dark about these "USU traditions". I'm gonna see how many I can hit in 17 days, you may want to give yourself some more time! / By Kandice Crompton

Made in Korea
An orphanage in Seoul, Korea, was the first place he ever called home. Now he sits in his white house in Logan. Pictures of his four children line the wall directly behind him. A computer and TV are both things Scott Salisbury never knew existed as he started his life in Korea, but now owns both. His American wife, Shelley, of 22 years helps Salisbury remember the specific facts of his past from the kitchen in their home. /By Diane Denning

We won ­ and lost ­ at 'Cleaning the Sink' at Angie's
We entered a crowded restaurant filled with the valley's locals, a mixture of young families, older couples and of course hoards of college kids. There were four of us. Myself, my husband Zac, my sister Jen, and her fiancé Greg. Although friends naturally, tonight we were going to embark upon a mission that would ultimately test our friendship and the very fibers of our beings. We had come to clean the kitchen sink at Angie's. By Michelle Butler

USU Research highlighted during fifth-annual Research Week
Utah State University's Vice President for Research Office hosted the fifth-annual Research Week March 30-April 2. Research Week featured four days of events — each day highlighting one aspect of university research — for faculty, staff and students.

USU Chamber Singers and USU Chorale to present "Voices"
Utah State University's Chamber Singers and the USU Chorale present the choral program "Voices" Wednesday, April 15, at 7:30 p.m. in USU's Performance Hall.

Citrus & Sage: Requiem for a funky coffee shop
Amidst the depths of winter, the buttercream house at 100 East and 130 North in Logan stands vacant, covered in a shroud of snow. A Coldwell Banker sign hangs out front, announcing the house is for sale. A taller sign colored with goldenrod, lime, rust, brown and shades of blue hangs nearby with the words "Citrus & Sage," and "Gift Gallery and Espresso Bar" in simple, elegant letters. A large wooden patio nestles against the house, while a moss-dotted tree grows up through the patio’s planks. / By Kelly Greenwood

Man enough to wear heels
"2-4-6-8 we support the end of rape." That was the cry that could be heard around campus Wednesday morning from a sea of males sporting hairy ankles and rolled up jeans with one thing in common- they were all wearing women's heels. / By Amanda Mears
Suficiente hombre como para caminar una milla con los zapatos de ella

Professor advises students to discover their least common denominator at the 34th annual last lecture
The premise around the lecture is right in the name, if the speaker had only one lesson to give before death or retirement what would the message be? Dr Austin, Professor of Family, Consumer, and Human Development and Vice Provost for Faculty Development and Diversity spoke on children calling them "my least common denominator." / By Connor H. Jones

A taste of Mexico's amazing shrimp
“Where is the bathroom?” I asked of the hostess at Red Robin late on a Saturday afternoon. A question that would hardly seem unusual, but only a few hours early my question would have been phrased very differently. “Donde esta el bano?” I have just received the first stamp on the broad virgin pages of my passport and my destination Mazatlan, Mexico. / By Shannon K. Johnson

Movie tickets for $2 and popcorn for $1? Yes, in Lewiston
"Can you imagine, only 10 to 35 cents and you are going to a movie," said manager Rosie Williams as she showed the prices from a flyer from 1945. Looking around the foyer the community theater has upheld the historical spirit of Lewiston as old ticket stubs, pictures, and flyers are posted around the room announcing the showing of classic movies like "Grease" or those of James Dean. / By Natalie Buckley

Ultimate Fighting Championship's 'paper champion' and USU alum encourages students to train in multiple disciplines
Students should make use of the tools and resources at Utah State and mimic the multidisciplinary training of mixed martial artists as a plan for success, said alumnus Eric Hone last Friday as the invited speaker for the Alumni Speaker Series for the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. / By Nathan Laursen

Made in Korea: From orphanage to true American riches
An orphanage in Seoul, Korea, was the first place he ever called home. Now he sits in his white house in Logan. Pictures of his four children line the wall directly behind him. A computer and TV are both things Scott Salisbury never knew existed as he started his life in Korea, but now owns both. His American wife, Shelley, of 22 years helps Salisbury remember the specific facts of his past from the kitchen in their home. / By Diane Denning


Former Mormon Tabernacle Choir singer and USU graduate goes solo
USU alumnus Adam Ward has recently relinquished his membership in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and begun a pioneer quest of individual creative expression with the release of his first solo album. / By Nathan Laursen

Kalai to perform as part of USU students' class project during service week
National touring singer and songwriter Kalai will be the headlining a benefit concert for the Mali Rising Foundation in the Taggart Student Center ballroom on Thursday as the culmination of a USU class group project. / By Nate Laursen


Richmond's farmers' market will be hosted by Rockhill Creamery
The Rockhill Creamery will be hosting this year's farmer's market in Richmond from May 23 to Oct. 17, on Saturdays. / By David Bowman

Rockhill Creamery: How now, beautiful brown cows?
Have you ever met the hard working girls of Rockhill Creamery? If not, then maybe you should drop by on Saturday and say, "Hi." Just remember that they're not like other girls, they're of the four-legged kind. Because of these six Brown Swiss beauties, the Cache Valley of Utah is lucky to have some of the best cheese around. / By David Bowman

Never a dull moment when you run a pawn shop
Rocky's Pawn and Title in Hyde Park always stays interesting, says owner Don Johnson of Paradise. / By Aaron Mecham

Paradise Cracker Barrel restaurant back in the swing of things
Six months after the Cracker Barrel restaurant in Paradise reopened, executive chef and owner Annette Drew says business is very good. / By Aaron Mecham

Product diversity keeps Nibley company stable in recession
In the midst of the recession, one company in Nibley remains hopeful. EK Ekcessories, a company that produces and sells a variety of accessory products, is stable and looking ahead for the future. / By Candice Mattson

Hop on the social media bus, pros tell USU journalism students
Five professional journalists came to USU to talk about how technology and social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook are beginning to play a big role in today's journalism. / By Mark Vuong

Utah entrepreneur to E-Week seminar: 'Don't let fear stop you'
Jeremy Hanks, a successful entrepreneur, was one of the Partners in Business seminar speakers on Thursday. A BYU alum, he focused his talk on his "adventures in entrepreneurship." / By Candice Mattson


Professionals on the front line: Deputies fight crime, fight to feed families
It is 6:23 on a Wednesday evening. Deputy Brian Groves has been in service for a little more than 15 minutes. He is quietly writing a citation in the area of 200 South when three piercing beeps followed by the voice of a dispatcher crackle over the radio, breaking the silence. / By Gideon Oakes

Ohio man arrested in Logan
A Cleveland man working in Logan as a door-to-door salesman was taken into custody by Logan police Tuesday on suspicion of theft. / By Patrick Oden

County council urges awareness of services during county government week
By proclamation of the Cache County Council, May 3-9 will be designated National County Government Week. / By Gideon Oakes

Nibley OKs non-family employees for home businesses
The City Council has changed the land use chart of the Nibley Zoning Law to allow owners of home businesses to employ people who aren't related to them. / By Candice Mattson

Logan man arrested on child pornography count
A Logan man was arrested Wednesday and booked on one count of sexual exploitation of a minor, stemming from his alleged viewing of Internet child pornography, a second-degree felony that carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. / By Gideon Oakes

Paradise ATV conflict settled without arrests
Sheriff's deputies were called out to Paradise April 13, to help settle a civil dispute between several boys on ATV’s riding on the street and an adult that threw gravel at them. / By Aaron Mecham

Richmond honors retiring judge
Mayor Mike Hall presented Judge Beth Skidmore with a commemorative plaque for years of service to Richmond City on April 21. / By David Bowman mithfield man sentenced for failure to stop, possession of marijuana

Smithfield man sentenced for failure to stop, possession of marijuana
Stanley Kent Lewis, 47, Smithfield, was sentenced Tuesday for illegal possession of a controlled substance and failure to stop at command of law enforcement. / By Patrick Oden

Committee mulls what 'downtown River Heights' might look like
The potential mixed use zoning of the Riverdale area and the ordinance that will establish development guidelines were discussed by the Planning and Zoning Committee Tuesday night. / By Patrick Oden

Mendon library needs money and a new home
In the living room there is a solid wood desk, computer with the latest technologies, and a telephone. Starting in the furthest corner, shelves snake along the walls and lead into a bedroom overrun by books. The shelves continue into what was once a kitchen. Down the hall and off to the left there is a bathroom with a tub and a light blue shower curtain. / By Greg Boyles

River Heights repairs sidewalks, splits costs with homeowners
City accounts maintain an overall surplus of $57,000 despite unexpected road and sidewalk repair expenses. / By Patrick Oden

Thefts on campus keep cops busy
A line of thefts in the Fine Arts Building at USU has kept police busy for the past few weeks. Since April 6, five different incidents have been reported to USU police of property being stolen, said Steve Milne, USU police captain. / By Greg Boyles

Fire in Paradise? No problem for this crew
Paradise firefighters take extra time to be prepared for any emergency, especially for being volunteers. / By Aaron Mecham

Two arrested on suspicion of marijuana possession
Two people were arrested by police on counts of possession of illegal substances April 14. / By David Bowman

Suspect arrested on sexual assault counts
Carson Harris, 44, was arrested April 15 on two counts of aggravated sexual assault. / By Candice Mattson

Morales named new vice president of student services
After a seven-month and nationwide search, James D. Morales was selected as the new vice president of student services at Utah State University, university media relations said. / By Jackson Olsen
Electo nuevo vicepresidente de servicios estudiantiles

Temporary resolution found for county's 4-day work week woes
After months of gathering input and hearing opinions, the Cache County Council took action Tuesday to fix one of the problems caused by the four-day work week for county employees. / By Gideon Oakes

Smithfield planning commission approves subdivision request
The Planning Commission voted unanimously in favor of developing a new minor subdivision at a public hearing Wednesday. / By Blaze Bullock

Paradise won't be a happy place for speeders
Paradise is going to be less lenient with speeders, especially those coming from Avon. / By Aaron Mecham

Hyde Park seeks feedback on proposed buffering zone law
Two outlines for the buffering zone ordinance were talked about at the Planning and Zoning meeting Wednesday. / By Mark Vuong

Man sentenced for sexual exploitation
A 23-year-old man appeared in First District Court April 6 and pleaded guilty to sexual exploitation of a minor. / By Natalie Buckley

Crime increasing in Smithfield as economy worsens
Crime is increasing as a result of the bad economy, said Corporal Travis Allen of the Smithfield Police Department. / By Blaze Bullock

Third DUI results in prison sentence for Logan woman
A local woman was sentenced to up to five years in prison Tuesday at the 1st District Court for driving under the influence of alcohol. / By Blaze Bullock

Man arrested on suspicion of assaulting, stalking ex-wife
A 25-year-old man was arrested April 8 and booked on counts of stalking his ex-wife, damage to a communications device, assault, aggravated burglary, criminal mischief, and possible aggravated assault. / By Jessica Allen

Logan man sentenced for attempted rape
First District Court Judge Kevin Allen sentenced a Logan man Tuesday to a suspended term of five years to life in prison for the attempted rape of a child. / By Gideon Oakes

Woman sentenced for DUI
Audra Crocker will spend 20 days in Cache County Jail for driving under the influence of alcohol and driving with a suspended license. / By Mark Vuong

Arrests made in North Logan burglary
Two young men were arrested on April 7 after confessing to burglarizing a house in North Logan, said a North Park police detective. / By Alice Bailey

Pilot fatigue: Is FAA sleeping on the job?
James Lipscomb was en route on a seemingly ordinary flight from Alaska to Hawaii. Lipscomb had flown it before and anticipated no problems for the more than 10-hour ride. He was piloting a Delta plane over the Pacific. Not too far into the flight, Lipscomb took a look at how many miles were left to his destination: 602. The next time Lipscomb remembered blinking he saw there were only 80 miles left to the Hawaiian destination. His heart skipped a beat or two. Lipscomb had nodded off at the pilot’s wheel. How could this have happened? / By Storee Powell

Brigham City council gives go-head for COPS hiring grant
With future growth in the city almost certain, three additional police officers would be undeniably beneficial to the citizens of Brigham City, Police Chief Paul Tittensor says. / By Rebecca Hansen

Albrecht discusses budget cuts with HASS faculty
USU President Stan Albrecht says that many of the steps USU took will help lessen the impact of upcoming budget cuts. / By J.P. Rodriguez

Brigham City facing projected revenue loss close to $500,000
Preserving the city's mission to "maintain and enhance the quality of life for citizens" is no easy feat with a drop in revenue due to the current economic climate, Mayor Lou Ann Christensen said. / By Rebecca Hansen

Hyrum grocery story wants to expand
A request to expand Ridley's Market was presented to the Planning Commission last week. / By Caresa Alexander

At long last, 'Flights of Learning' will land at North Logan library
After years of planning and fund-raising, the Friends of the North Logan City Library are planning the dedication of the city's first statue at the city library. / By Alice Bailey

Logan driver abducted at gunpoint
After facing the rigors of an interview Thursday afternoon for the position of engineering aide for the city of Logan, Sharee Winterton, 19 was approached by a man in the parking lot of the Logan City Police Department. / By Seili Lewis

River Heights OKs dog kennels, home hair salon
Three conditional use permits were issued Tuesday night, two for dog kennels and one for an in home hair salon. / By Patrick Oden

Smithfield's enjoying a growth spurt, officials say
Population growth is booming here, says city recorder Dean Clegg, and Smithfield has evolved from an agricultural community to much more of a "bedroom community." / By Blaze Bullock

Hyde Park drivers warned to look out for scooters on the road
The City Council was warned by Sgt. John Italasano about scooters that aren't required to be registered with the state to be legally driven. / By Mark Vuong

Shepperd gets suspended sentence of 1-15 years for forcible sex abuse
Danial Shepperd, 32, was sentenced Monday to 1-15 years in prison for forcible sexual abuse, a second-degree felony. / By Jessica Allen

Sentencing postponed in child sex abuse case
Roger A. Willeto faced Judge Thomas L. Willmore in 1st District Court Monday for sentencing on his conviction for aggravated sex abuse of a child, a second-degree felony. / By Jessica Allen

Sex offender's pretrial conference postponed
The pretrial conference for William David Hart was rescheduled for April 22 in 1st District Court because of pending charges. / By Candice Mattson

Brigham City residents on proposed landfill: 'How many times do we have to say no?'
Emotions ran high as the County Council heard opinions from citizens on the possible future of the Little Mountain landfill at a public comment meeting. "How would you like it [a regional landfill] in your backyard?" Tremonton resident Kit Crozier asked. "How many times do we have to say ‘no’?" / By Rebecca Hansen

Millville council, dog breeder, still woofing over issues

Rael Thompson spoke with the Millville City Council April 2, after a misunderstanding at the last meeting, when the council voted to approve the number of dogs she wanted to own. At the council meeting on March 19, Mark Bodily presented an e-mail to the council from Thompson asking permission to keep 10-12 dogs on her property for her Shih Tzu breeding program. The city's ordinance states that only 6 dogs are permitted. / By Jessica Allen

Student body president wants to be remembered as tall, non-elitist
As the snow begins to melt and the school year begins to wind down, there is a noticeably different air up on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center. The air of change. / By Jackson Olsen

PostSecret founder finds confessions spread healing
The nearly 1,000 people who congregated in the Taggart Student Center’s Ballroom Wednesday night included locals, some who traveled from Salt Lake and one individual who came from as far as New York. As diversified as the group was each person came with one thing in common—a secret. / By Jason Sanders

North Logan council votes -- on April 1 -- to consolidate city with Logan
A motion was passed by the City Council on Wednesday to change the boundaries of North Logan to include all of Logan city, and become what shall be referred to as North Logan City Plus. / By Alice Bailey

Revised county library plan unveiled
After more than a year in the works, a new proposal for a county-wide library system was released Tuesday at a joint meeting of the Cache County Council and Logan Municipal Council. / By Gideon Oakes
Se da a conocer el plan revisado de la biblioteca del condado

North Loganites fed up with lack of progress on 200 East
Heated discussion on the lack of progress on building 200 East Street took up most of the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting Wednesday night. / By Alice Bailey

Hyde Park P&Z works on new mixed-use zone
An ordinance is in the works by the Planning and Zoning Commission for a buffer zone between residential and commercial areas near 400 West Street on the south side and near 300 West on the north. / By Mark Vuong


A slice of life, arguing with PhD's about Indiana Jones
So there I was, a lowly undergrad at an academic conference in New Orleans, presenting with Ph.D.s on a gender and media studies panel. All I could think was, "Don't screw this up." / By Ryan Monk

Students' choice: Favorite parts of the USU experience
After speaking with many people I have compiled a list of some of students favorite activities from this school year. / By Kandice Crompton

Chatting with Grandpa about USU, then and now
As a soon-to-be graduate I was recently talking to Grandpa, the only other member of my family to graduate from college, who also just happens to be a USU alum. He has told me anecdotes about school for years, and I finally decided to share some of his thoughts with others. / By Kandice Crompton

Five things all freshmen should consider
Finally my time has come. I am about to graduate and leave the school/world that I have known for the past five years. School has been good for me. I’ve grown and matured (hopefully) and learned a lot. I just felt that I needed to share some of the things that have been very beneficial to me in my time at USU. / By Michelle Butler

Tips for finding a job this summer
I have held many different jobs in the six years since I turned 16. In the time I have looked for jobs in a good economy and in a bad economy, in the summer and the winter, while I've been a student and while I've taken time off. While I wouldn't consider myself an employment expert, I would like to share my experiences with other students, and hopefully help them in their job searches. / Kandice Crompton

Ducknapping on April 1
'Twas the night before April first; two girls were invited to a flirtatious evening of movie watching. Who knew it would end with a ducknapping and some mysterious cookies? / By Seili Lewis


Downhill thrill -- Cache Valley is cyclists' paradise
I moved to Cache Valley several years ago from a big city and I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. People here love the outdoors, and not only the outdoors but the lifestyle that comes with it. / By Emily Metts

Return of Aggie football is the real sign spring's here
Two wonderful things happened last weekend here in Cache Valley. For one, the weather was absolutely amazing and felt so good to finally be able to walk outside and not freeze or worry about snow! Secondly, I was able to watch the Utah State spring football game on Saturday. Warm weather and football, it doesn't get much better than that! Even though I am graduating I'm still very excited about this upcoming football season! We have a whole new coaching staff and new players! / By Haleigh Munson

Porcupine dam a popular destination
Porcupine Reservoir, located just outside Avon in Cache Valley, gives people an opportunity to camp and fish trout and salmon without the noise of more popular reservoirs or the difficult access associated with rivers. / By Aaron Mecham

Sig Ep's 'Balanced Man' triathlon growing steadily
Spring has finally arrived, and the sun shines brightly as Doug Peterson rides his bike past the HPER building on Utah State campus. He is training for the Balanced Man Triathlon. / By Alice Bailey

A how-to guide for the ultimate supercross experience
It's been four long years since we've heard the familiar radio advertisements for the greatest motorcycle show on earth in Utah. This was finally the year they came back. / Zane Buxton

Skiing safer than you think, but accidents get plenty of attention
A chilling spring breeze brushes Jeff Smith's face as he speeds down the mountain on his metallic orange skis. The sun is out, casting a piercing glow off the pure white that drapes Heavenly Valley ski resort at Lake Tahoe. Hours later, Smith lies covered in blood on an uninviting Reno hospital bed; 20 staples line the back of his skull and a piece of his scalp is missing. / By Kate Clark

Special teams looking to be a game changer in '09
Field goals, returns and blocked kicks. The special teams units my not get the most attention, but more often than not one of those units can end up deciding a game. / Tim Olsen

Stavon Williams leaving USU basketball team
A Q and A with the Aggies' best three-point shooter of the last season. / By Tim Olsen

Blue holds off White in annual spring game
For those wishing to see the new Aggie offense in action and get a glimpse of what USU has in store for its opponents next season, Saturday's Blue and White scrimmage was the perfect venue. / By Tim Olsen

Much improved: defense better in second outing
After a lackluster performance in USU's first official scrimmage of the spring season, the defense stepped it up in a big way during round two Saturday at Romney Stadium. / By Tim Olsen

The family within: USU offensive line working on teamwork
Heading into the 2009 season, the offensive line at Utah State has been introduced to new coaches and new schemes. Those introductions have only helped to bring this already close group even more together. / By Tim Olsen

A warm spring day at the Beav: Frolicking in a white playground
Once a year, college kids everywhere leave their books and studies and merge on beaches around the country. Spring break has become that long awaited, highly anticipated event where many travel great distances for sun and fun. I've done the whole leave Logan and visit warm sunny beaches thing, but this year, I went to a different beach, one complete with gloves, goggles and snow. And boy was there a lot of snow! / By Michelle Butler



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