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LAST HURRAH: Jaycee Carroll high-fives fans as he leaves the Spectrum court after what was likely his last home game. Click Arts&Life for a link to photos. / Photo by Tyler Larson

Today's word on journalism

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Grammatically Speaking:

"We owe much to our mother tongue. It is through speech and writing that we understand each other and can attend to our needs and differences. If we don't respect and honor the rules of English, we lose our ability to communicate clearly and well. In short, we invite mayhem, misery, madness, and inevitably even more bad things that start with letters other than M."

--Martha Brockenbrough, grammarian and founder, National Grammar Day

SPEAK UP! Diss the Word at






Book review: 'New Moon,' second of Meyer series, suspenseful but somewhat unsatisfying
New Moon
by Stephenie Meyer is the second installment in the epic love story of Bella and Edward. By this time you already know that Edward is a vampire, but the tables are turned when yet another incident puts Bella's life at risk. It's a mere paper cut, but in a coven of vampires it's not such a slight thing. Edward seems to think that the best thing he can do for Bella is to leave her behind and to go on with life without each other. / By Seili Lewis

New book of Nibley's history since 1824 available now
The first-ever Nibley city history book is now available through the Nibley city office. It contains the history of the town as researched by a group of residents. / By Ashley Zarate

Book review: Stephanie Meyer's 'The Host' a science fiction rush
The Host
by Stephenie Meyer is due to be released May 6, but I managed to get ahold of an advance copy of the book. I read the book as quickly as I read Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse. / By Seili Lewis

Book review: 'Twilight' right for the young romantic in all of us
is the exciting adventure of a 16-year-old girl named Bella, who out of love for her mother exiles herself to the rainy town of Forks, Wash. / By Seili Lewis


Dancing to the beat of different drummers: Pow Wow this weekends
The event offers the opportunity for to experience the variety of tribal cultures by seeing traditional dress, dancing, drumming and other forms of entertainment. Tribe members and performers will come from Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Arizona and New Mexico. / By Marshall Young

International students find culture shock in USU's no-alcohol campus
If you ask any student from the United Kingdom and Europe what is the most important thing on campus, the majority of them will reply, "The student union bar." The difference in the U.S.A. is that most campuses are dry, meaning there are consequences for drinking on campus. / By Ross Davis

Picturing Faith: Religious America in government photography, 1935-1943
The Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art at Utah State University opened a new photography exhibit Feb. 1, "Picturing Faith: Religious America in Government Photography, 1935-1943." The exhibit, originating from the University of Utah’s Department of History, will be available and open to the public through June 28.


How do you make an igloo? Bored students say, 'Just do it'
Desperately attempting to find some positive aspect of this unforgiving weather is something that comes easy to Old Farm Apartments residents. Thinking the snow was a blessing in disguise. Student Joseph Keller, 24, motivates his neighbors to be imaginative in creating things out of the snow. / By Hayley Hayden

Snowman is 'Everyman,' and that's the best and worst of humanity
On a morning so cold your breath looked like a smoker exhaling deeply, 21-year-old Jordan Taylor and 20-year-old Jennie Schmidt left the house slightly heavier than usual./By Jennifer Taylor

Neither snow, nor rain . . . OK, snow can be pretty bad, postal worker says
Shoveling the sidewalk when it snows makes one government worker's job a whole lot smoother. "No one shovels their sidewalks, on my route at least. Some of them are really good but you know when you're tromping up and down stairs that have 8 inches of snow on them, it makes things harder." / By Tonnie Dixon

Certifiably 'icesane': Polar Plungers describe -- this blows! -- the rush
Everything had the beginnings of a beautiful day on the beach. The sun was shining. People in all varieties of swim wear flocked to the water bringing food, friends and pets. Now all they had to do was cut a hole the size of a Buick in the ice to get to the water. / By Jacob Fullmer

Lessons of motherhood, No. 8: The unknown words in a baby cry
There are many words a baby could be speaking as they cry. I am hungry, I am tired, or I am over stimulated are just a few. How do we know what they are saying? / By Errin Stevenson

Scrapbooking expands into paperless world
An average of 50 pages are housed in each scrapbook and 19 scrapbooks live on my bookshelf. What does that mean to all you non-scrapbookers? You're 1,000 pages behind me. / By Brittny Goodsell Jones

What to see if you have one day in Seattle
You have one day to spend in Seattle, but with so much to see and do where do you start? Three of the must see sights of Seattle are Pikes Market Place, the Museum of Flight and the Seattle Space Needle. / By Derek Barton

Whole grain breakfast foods offer healthy alternative to Pop-Tarts
Ramen noodles and Pop-Tarts do not fulfill the vitamin and nutrient needs required to lead a healthy life, especially when it comes to whole grains. / By Maddie Wilson

Lip balm (but not for the lips) part of getting the right pageant look
Gallons of hairspray, tons of makeup -- OK, we exaggerete a little -- plus 4-inch heels and one crown can only mean one thing in Logan: a pageant. The pageant Saturday featured many young women competing for the crown and title of Miss Cache Valley 2008. / By Natalie Archibald

Column: The thrills and burdens of being a mere mortal at Sundance
Here's the thing about the Olsen twins: Don't look and don't touch. That's what many of the employees in shops all over Park City were told this winter. / By Whitney Schulte

Mendon's cottage library offers services to 1,500 residents
After the decision to build a new elementary school in early 2005, the need for the Mendon's first library became even more clear. / By M. Kathryn Hanberg

Healthy Living Tips for College Students on the Go: How to fight off influenza
Are you one of those lucky few who have not caught the horrible flu bug yet? It is a serious issue right now, especially among college students who live so close to one another. Did you get a flu shot, but still got caught with the bug? / By Heather Maile

Utah 4-H ambassadorship a family affair
Rose Park in Salt Lake City has a crowd of 4-H members, among those -- the Kranendonk family. / By Lisa Rose Woodworth

USU police dispatchers send help for problems from lock-outs to death
At the end of a graveyard shift, the phone rang. "University police," Emily Evjen, a Utah State University dispatcher said. "My infant boy is cold and stiff. I think he's dead." / By M. Kathryn Hanberg

Lessons of motherhood, No. 7: Losing that extra baby weight
There is one fact of pregnancy, you gain weight. Whether you want to or not, you will and you should. But, the key is not to worry about the weight gain during pregnancy but the shedding of the pounds after. I am a weight control nut and found many ways to help me lose those extra pounds after pregnancy. / By Errin Stevenson

Healthy living tips for students on the go: How to make the most of your food budget
Most college students are all about convenience when it comes to food, but really all it takes to save you some money is planning ahead. / By Heather Maile

Lessons of motherhood, No. 6: When to start solid foods
When to start solids is a choice that is up to the mother. Some babies grow faster and need more then the basic baby milk while others are fine with it until they reach seven months. / By Errin Stevenson

Love for sale: Half off, today only
Last time you were using the student listing boards to find a new apartment, book or computer, weren't you just a little curious about the wedding paraphernalia? / By Jacob Fullmer

A cheap Valentine's treat that's sure to please: Batch of blondies
On any other day of the year, gorging oneself with pounds of gooey chocolate would be frowned upon because it's disgusting and fattening. But on Valentine's Day, this practice is actually seen as luxurious and romantic. Unfortunately, these sweet, rich, melt-in-your-mouth Valentine's Day desserts can also be expensive. / By Maddie Wilson

Chocolate festival wonderful for judges, but recovery takes days
Death by chocolate is not far from the truth, according to Blair Larsen, six-year judge at the 21st annual Valentine Chocolate Festival held Saturday at the Bullen Center. / By Renae Cowley

Parenthood adds challenges to nearly half of USU students by graduation day
It is a typical Sunday evening, and 11-month-old Kaiya has just finished her bath in the purple tub. She lies sprawled on the green carpet as her mother helps her into her fuzzy pink, zip-up pajamas. She laughs, flails her arms and legs in the air and squirms around so that mom has to work hard to get on the pajamas. / By Maddie Wilson

Family always able to 'make it through' with five kids with muscular dystrophy
Sterling Wyatt's kindergarten teacher always kept a close eye on him. She had a feeling that he was different from the others kids in her class. / By Cameron Salony

Lessons of motherhood, No. 5: First Feedings
Choosing to breastfeed or formula feed is going to be a big decision you are going to have to make over the first few days of you baby’s life. The choice is yours and what works best for you and your baby. Some babies will not let you have the choice for they will either make it hard to breastfeed or to bottle-feed. If you are wanting to breastfeed and your child will only take a bottle, you can pump and then your baby will have both. / By Errin Stevenson

'What will Cache Valley look like?' Children draw the answer
What will Cache Valley look like in the future? This question was asked to elementary and middle school students around Cache Valley. / By Natalie Archibald

Franklin: A welcome to the oldest town in Idaho
For those driving along U.S. 91 from Preston, Idaho, to the Wasatch Front in Utah, a friendly word of advice: don't blink. / By Gregory Aullmann

Discovering the truth about a heroic ancestor killed by Baby Face Nelson
I grew up listening to stories about my famous relatives on boring car rides and family night activities. It wasn't until recently that it really hit me how significant their lives and contributions were -- and one in particular. / By Renae Cowley

Hyrum vet reflects on his year in Iraq
There is nothing really different about Jerry; he grew up with a wonderful but typical American family. He drives a semi-truck for Sysco for a living when he is not out playing war games. Except for one thing, he wasn't in war games, he was really in a war and little things such as a plastic bag on the side of the road would trigger those memories best forgotten. / By Jake Ipson


'Cloverfield': Godzilla for a new millennium
J.J Abrams has reinvented the big green lizard story and added a whole new twist. / By Liz Wilson


Radiohead creates revolution with release of 'In Rainbows'
Ever since the highly publicized attacks on music downloading program Napster in 2002 and lawsuits which eventually caused the site to shut down, it seems musicians and record companies alike have begun a relentless campaign to target music aficionados who illegally obtain their tunes. / By Amanda Mears

Independent Music Club gets a little help from the Web
Some people feel they have to look everywhere for something to do in their spare time. Utah State's Independent Music Club, or IMC, feels that never-ending question can be answered by simply participating in the club, not only through events held, but through its online forums and Web sites. / By Ben Hibshman

A time to rock: Queensryche mixes old and new in SLC concert
When you think of the band Queensryche, what is your favorite song? For the fair-weather fans who cite the mega-hit Silent Lucidity, you may have been disappointed with their show at The Depot club in Salt Lake City. For everyone else, especially Salt Lake City native Michael Turner, it was a night to remember. / By Ben Hansen

Growing up doesn't always make better music -- exhibit A: Simple Plan
It seems every snot-nosed-brat-punk band that gained popularity during the turn of the century's obsession over blink-182-style-pop-punk has, at one point in time, decided they need to "grow up." / By Jon Jacobs

Wild Art

Aggies take second in triangular gymnastics meet / Photos by Tyler Larson

An igloo appears outside Merrill Hall: Photo essay by Seili Lewis

Remembering the Bear River Massacre: Photos by Rod BoaM


Biz Features

Smell, crackle, taste of fresh bread: Crumb Brothers takes time to do it right
On the back of any bread bag from Crumb Brothers Artisan Bread Bakery is the story of three friends passionate about hand-crafted, artisan bread and creating an environmentally and socially responsible business in Northern Utah. / By C. Ann Jensen

Hyde Park haircutter's home salon fits family just fine
After cutting hair in North Logan for 15 years, Stephanie Willmore has opened an in-home hair salon in Hyde Park. / By C. Jake Williams

Delectable desserts for Valentine's Day: The best of Cache Valley
If you are taking that special someone to dinner, you won't be disappointed in the selection of desserts around Logan. Dessert can be the best part of the meal and there are so many options, it is sometimes hard to pick. / By Natalie Archibald

Sun River Farm in Mendon offers fresh organic produce
The year 1998 involved a life-changing event for James Haggerty. He had been hit by a car, and because of the extent of his injuries took a year off from his job. It was during this year he chose to make some changes. / By M. Kathryn Hanberg


Across Bridgerland

Film, panel consider midwives as option for childbirth
The film The Business of Being Born examines the way American women have babies and asks the question: should birth be viewed as a natural life process, or a potentially catastrophic medical emergency? / By Cameron Salony

Utah courts join in protecting confidential sources
Utah journalists and their confidential sources were granted some of the strongest protections and privileges in the nation when the Utah Supreme Court approved and signed a comprehensive shield rule in January. / By Nathan Laursen

Local News

North Logan building expands Cache school district's resources
The building is new, the staff is excellent, but what exactly does the Cache Professional Development and Technology Center do? / By Bethany Crane

Nibley names new director of recreation
The city recently named Casey Judd as the new recreation director. Judd is a volunteer director and works free of charge for the city helping Councilman Scott Larsen. / By Ashley Zarate

Mendon's 'city bird' is an ostrich, former Webmaster says
An ostrich is an interesting animal to have as the city bird, but on Mendon City's Web site, that is what it says. / By M. Kathryn Hanberg

It'll be West vs. Brimley for ASUSU president
Complete Associated Students of Utah State University primary election results. The runoff for president will be between Nick West (492 votes in primary) and Grady Bart Brimley (442). / Report by Jacob Fullmer

Church asks Smithfield council for permit to use Senior Center for Sunday services
Pastor Dennis Spraggins sought permission from the City Council to hold religious services in the Smithfield Senior Citizens Center on Sundays and, was told to apply for a conditional use permit but to look for another venue. / By Lisa Christensen

Parking Terrace fire causes $10,000 damage
A silver Grand Prix caught fire in the Aggie Parking Terrace just after 4:30 p.m. Thursday. There were no injuries, but the fire caused $10,000 worth of damage, according to Logan City Fire Chief Mark Meaker. / By Cameron Salony

Cache Rendezvous for Feb. 28, 2008: Ice fishing, True Aggie kisses, and fashion tips
This week’s edition of Cache Rendezvous got pretty cold when we went ice fishing for man skills. The show warms right up after we take a peek at True Aggie Night and watch our own Aggies make fools of themselves. We got some fashion tips on Cache Secret, and the band Grafted performs one of its songs in our studio. All of these exciting experiences along with our classic Aggie Kitchen. / Producer: Jessica Walker. Associate Producer: Kenny Reid. Director: Chris Garff. Anchors: Rick King and Kevin Peterson

River Heights gets bids for park bathrooms
Plans for the new bathrooms at Ryan's Place Park have been submitted for bids. / By Paul Kelley

ASUSU wants to shake up election process
The ASUSU Executive Council could be giving the annual officer election process a makeover within the month, ASUSU President Peter McChesney said. / By Jackson Olsen

ATV News for Feb. 25, 2008: New food options, basketball and taxes
This week in ATV News, A new president of Cuba is sworn in, USU develops some new and healthier food options for the HUB, and there is a lot going on in the sky. Reporters also followed the men's and women's basketball teams and women's gymnastics, and they took a look at the men's vollyball club. Plus, you might learn something about the tax rebate that might be coming your way. / Producer: Matthew K. Jensen. Associate Producer: Blake Van Tussenbrook. Director: Megan Tschida. Anchors: Chris Garff, Rick King. Sports Anchor: Kevin Peterson

Hyrum considers location of proposed door-assembly manufacturer
Dallas Elder brought a proposal to the council about building a pre-hung door assembly. The location of the building would be at approximately 550 N. 600 East. / By Jake Ipson

Proposed scenic byway would connect Richmond to Logan Canyon's US 89
A Cache Valley Scenic Byway proposal was presented to the Richmond City Council last week. The proposed byway would be a continuation of an existing byway that is currently cut off in Franklin, Idaho at the Utah border, and would run through Richmond before turning west and passing through Trenton and Newton before the route turns back eastbound to pass through Logan. / By Matt Sonnenberg

Franklin council deals with snow, ice, water lines and dogcatchers
As the new leadership of Franklin met together a second time the meeting had a bit more talking going on. Despite the snowstorm that closed nearby I-15 and forced many to drive at snail-paced speeds, the City Council was still able to meet to discuss the issues that would help Franklin keep going forward. / By Gregory Aullman

Some Millville residents to get new addresses without having to move
Plans for a new street name continued in Thursday's Town Council meeting. The street that is currently marked 500 East will become 550 East, and will be 550 East along the entire length of the road. / By Leah Lopshire

Red Rover, Red Rover, send Hyde Park on over
A larger than normal crowd turned out for City Council meeting because the annexation plans for the city were discussed. Although only plans are underway, people were concerned and wanted to learn more about the situation, though no one raised their voice in the meeting. / By Bethany Crane

Is your mailbox safe from snowplows?
Dozens of mailboxes are destroyed every winter by snowplows in Wellsville, and the Wellsville City Council refuses to pay for damages. The only exception is if the mailbox contains a piece of art or an antique.
/ By Ty Rogers

Smithfield residents expecting new walking trails
A proposed 20-year plan to expand walking trails around Smithfield was approved at the Planning and Zoning meeting Wednesday night. / By Lisa Christensen

Cache Rendezvous for Feb. 21, 2008
This week's edition of Cache Rendezvous takes us on and adventurous ride as we explore Phoenix Comics for some Dungeons and Dragon action, play some golf in the snow, and have artist Chris Young in the studio performing one of his own songs. Along with these delightful experiences, the show features the classic Aggie Kitchen and Taste of Cache. / Producer: Rick King. Associate Producer: Jessica Walker.. Director: Kevin Peterson
Anchors: J. Mitchell and Richard Epperson

False alarm evacuates Old Main
Students 11:30 a.m. classes were interrupted when someone accidentally set off the fire alarm. / By Jacob Fullmer

Lewiston water bills to increase
Council members approved a $1.50 water rate increase at Tuesday's City Council meeting. The cost goes from $16 to $17.50 per 12,000 gallons. / By Davis Archibald

ATV News for Feb. 19, 2008
We have stories on Fidel Castro stepping down as Cuban president, an elk that was trapped at First Dam and was set free, a possible USU smoking ban, and how USU police keep campus safe in light of recent school shootings. We also take a look at weather and sports. / Producer: Heidi Kulicke. Associate Producer: Chris Garff. Director: J. Mitchell. Technical Director: Kevin Petersen. Anchors: Blake VanTussenbrook, Jessica Hyde. Sports Anchor: Jessica Walker

Brigham City subdivision includes annexation
The City Council has approved plans for a 128-lot subdivision on the far north end of Brigham City. Part of that plan includes a petition to the county to annex a small portion of county land into Brigham City limits. / By Amy Bodily

Mendon council reminds residents to lock doors when they leave home
City Council consisted of many issues Thursday evening, one of which involved a burglary. Win Gardner, director of the Mendon Library, announced during the police portion of the meeting that her home was broken into within the last month while she and her husband were at church. / By M. Kathryn Hanberg

Richmond weathers Wednesday's blizzard
Schools and businesses were slowed in Richmond by Wednesday's blizzard that hit Cache Valley with over five inches of snow. Several operations in Richmond were either slowed or cancelled outright because of the severity of the storm. / By Matt Sonnenberg

Cache Rendezvous for Feb. 14, 2008: Special Valentine's Day edition
This week on our special Valentine's Day edition of Cache Rendezvous, we take a look at both the light and the dark side of Valentine's Day gifts. Rick King debuts a new segment on Cache Rendezvous called Rendezvous Unplugged. We learn how to make chicken enchiladas and suggest some possible plans for the long weekend.

Providence sets public hearing for 400 East sidewalk
In Tuesday's City Council meeting, the council voted unanimously to hold a public hearing on a resolution dealing with right-of-way guidelines for 400 East. The public hearing is scheduled for 6 p.m. March 11. Among the possible changes would be the addition of a sidewalk along the street. / By Kimberly Hinckley

River Heights seeks bids for new bathrooms at park
The popular Ryan's Place Park in River Heights may be getting new bathrooms this spring. The bathrooms are old and often overcrowded in the summer. "I have seen people waiting in line for the bathrooms," said Kent Parker. / By Paul Kelley

ATV News for Feb. 11, 2008

GPS location of Aggie Shuttle buses goes online
USU Aggie Shuttle recently implemented a GPS tracking system that enables students to view the location of buses online without having to wait outside in the cold. / By Lisa Rose Woodworth

ASUSU candidates declare for office; four file for presidency
ASUSU elections are steadily approaching with Monday being the cutoff date for applications to run for office. / By Renae Cowley

Franklin swears in new council members and mayor
January brought new faces to the City Council meetings and new leaders to some of the most important political positions the town has to offer. / By Gregory Aullman

Brigham City moves forward on transit project
While commuter rail is quickly heading north, Brigham City is eagerly taking necessary action in preparation for UTA's arrival into the county. / By Amy Bodily

Lewiston residents evacuated after garage catches fire
An electrical fire burned down a garage and caused residents nearby to be evacuated on Tuesday afternoon in Lewiston. / By Davis Archibald

Wellsville council seekis solution for problem with kids and traffic
Too many children are walking down the road north to school in the mornings and south from school in the afternoons. / By Ty Rogers

North Logan continues enhancements of King's Park
At the mouth of Green Canyon lies King's Park, where over a year and a half time frame many additions have been made for the community's enjoyment, with more to come this spring. / By Bethany Crane

Residents give Nibley city council an earful about Sunday beer sales
The City Council decided Thursday to review an ordinance that prohibits sale of beer for off-premise consumption in Nibley city limits on Sundays. / By Ashley Zarate

Millville council won't decide on cell towers until Feb. 21
The public hearing portion of the town council meeting on Thursday concerned the regulation of communication towers in Millville. As the code stands now the only places where communication towers are allowed are on city property, absolutely no communication towers are allowed to be on private property. / By Leah Lopshire

Cache Rendezvous for Feb. 7, 2008

Richmond polls see twice the usual turnout for Super Tuesday
Voters flocked to Richmond on Tuesday to cast their votes for the 2008 Presidential election primaries taking place on what is referred to as "Super Tuesday." / By Matt Sonnenberg

Rule allowing traffic citation with no police witness surprises student victim
There are more police in Cache Valley than you'd think. Many are not the kind who will stop and have a few doughnuts, or make arrests. But they are potentially everywhere. / By Marshall Young

Logan police still investigating woman's death
The death of an elderly woman last week is still under investigation, said Logan City Police Department Capt. Eric Collins. / By Lisa Christensen

ATV News for Feb. 4, 2008: snow removal budget, Hinckley funeral and Super Tuesday
In today's edition of A-TV News we'll learn what Logan City plans to do about its already depleted snow removal budget. Corinne Smith was at LDS Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley's funeral on Saturday and has the highlights. We also have an update on the fast approaching presidential primary elections. In sports we'll talk about the history-making Super Bowl and the men's basketball victory this weekend. / Producer: Jessica Hyde. Director: Chris Garff. Anchors: Matt Jensen and Richard Epperson. Sports: Rick King

USU Religious Studies professor to give inaugural lecture
Philip Barlow, the Leonard J. Arrington Chair of Mormon History and Culture in Utah State University Religious Studies Program, presents his inaugural lecture on campus Wednesday, Feb. 13, and all are invited.

Brigham City seeks public place for fossil collection
Brigham City is looking for a home. The city has been trusted with the care of a prized collection of fossils and minerals, with the stipulation that it be put on display for the community to share. / By Amy Bodily

North Logan opts to go for 'healthy community' award
The City Council met Jan. 16 to discuss financial affairs of the city and the plans to join the Healthy Community award program, opening up new policies and choosing the award level they wish to achieve. / By Bethany Crane

Cache Valley's air pollution continues to create concerns for residents
"We're destroying the planet, and we're all going to die," Dr. Brian Moench said at a Focusing Cache discussion Thursday. / By Maddie Wilson

Green energy sources discussed at Focusing Cache
Clean energy comes at a price. That's not meant in the thousands-of-baby-harp-seals-die context; we're talking about the straight-forward price that lightens your wallet. / By C. Jake Williams

NPR's Mandalit del Barco to speak on "Diversity, Media, and Politics"
National Public Radio reporter Mandalit del Barco will give a Media & Society Lecture, "Diversity, Media, and Politics," from noon to 1 p.m. Feb. 14 in the Performance Hall on the Utah State University campus.

Nibley hikes city water rates
The base water rate for Nibley city residents will increase from $9.50 to $10.50 this month. This is the last stage of the multi-year plan for Nibley that started in 2005. The City Council approved the increase to help financing of the water utilities. / By Ashley Zarate

National & International News

LDS church members and friends salute Hinckley's service, wisdom at funeral
"He had the heart of a servant and the wisdom of a leader," were the condolences of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush in a letter read by President Monson Saturday at President Gordon B. Hinckley's funeral. / By Renae Cowley


Text messaging hurting communication
There hasn't been a more annoying trend within the past few years than text messaging. / By Ben Coltrin

Only the good die young
I was walking through the store the other day and as I got to the checkout stand, I saw a magazine right there in the rack. Now normally I tend to just ignore everything I see on these tabloid magazines, but one caught my eye. / By Corey Sparks

Crisis in Darfur: A guide to how you can educate yourself, then help
After the Holocaust the phrase "never again" became popular with the idea that as a human race we would never again allow such an atrocity to occur without stepping in and stopping it. That being said, it's sad that many of us are not aware of the same atrocities happening today. / By Jordan Olsen

Here's why Sundance lives up to the hype
Every year when Park City hosts Sundance, I expect to be pleasantly surprised while simultaneously shivering through my smile, and I have never yet been disappointed. / By Brittany Strickland

Strange musings from the bakery: Thoughts from Salt Lake International
I think David Copperfield ­ yeah, the magician, not the Dickens character ­ is sitting in terminal D3 of the Salt Lake Airport watching an HD TV tuned to some British version of CNN, getting the down-low on Tiger Wood's comeback victory in some, no doubt, excruciatingly boring golf tournament. / By David Baker

Strange musings from the bakery: 'VD' -- I won't repeat the syllables -- is for lovers
"Dink-da-dink-da-dink, dink, dink, dink-da-dink-da-dink. Every kiss begins with K." Well, every kick in your overly sentimental ass begins with K, too. / By David Baker

Strange musings from the bakery: Lent and my ticket to hell
Lent is a really good excuse for getting out of things you don't want to do. / By David Baker

Memorable Hinckley humor
"Earl, go ahead and ride the elevator. I’m taking the stairs." (to Earl C.Tingy of the Presidency of the Seventy when he offered to hold the elevator due to Hinckley walking with a cane.)" / By Renae Cowley

Tears at first, yes, but now a glow of gratitude for President Hinckley
I knew he was old. I knew he had health problems. I had always felt like he had the choice to go as soon as he felt the time was right. I just never knew that the time could ever be right. / By Maddie Stapley

Hinckley lighted a fire in this student's mind
One of the greatest things I learned from Gordon B. Hinckley was to gain a good education and to get as much education I possibly can. He inspired me to attend college and earn a degree. When I was entering high school, I never thought about college, I didn't really have a plan. I was going to go where ever the wind blew me. / By Natalie Archibald


Lights-out shooting keys USU's 20th win of season
Utah State's formula for success was simple Thursday night in the Spectrum: If you never trail your opponent, you'll win. / By C. Jake Williams

Coed game on homemade hockey rink makes the sweat fly
It was a perfect day. A blanket of snow covering the ground glistens like diamonds. The Dodger-blue sky was so clear you could almost see through it. Each ray of sunlight seemed to spotlight a certain point on the earth below. Kevin Gunnell sees this as a perfect opportunity to play hockey with his friends. / By MJ Henshaw

Joys of ice fishing: Solitude, beauty, a 15-inch cutthroat ­ and a fidgety kid
Bundled in my black, puffy coat and camouflaged coveralls, I waddled down the steep bank of Lost Creek Reservoir like a penguin. Before I reached the bottom my feet came out from under me and I slid down the rest of the hill scattering all the gear that I was carrying. The tedious winter days spent indoors had once again driven my husband and me to go ice fishing. / By Riki Richards

Winter dog sports keep athletes on dozens of toes
It looked like a scene out of a Jack London novel. Frost was hanging in mid air creating a misty veil that added a moist chill to the already frigid temperature. It was snowing so lightly that you could see the individual flakes as they fell to the ground. /By Stephanie Hebert

A decade of Aggie basketball to remember
The Utah State men's basketball team has had a decade to remember. Over the past ten seasons the Aggies have been one of the winningest programs in the country, trailing only Duke, Gonzaga, Arizona, and Illinois in Division I. Utah State has been particularly good at home winning an amazing 92% of their games in the Dee Glen Smith Spectrum. / By Tim Olsen

Best in the West: So little room at the top
The race happening in the NBA's Western Conference this year is one of the best and most exciting we've seen in years. The top nine teams in the conference are packed like marshmallows in a key-hole, and it's only going to get more interesting. / By Todd Heaps

Jazz, Lakers among winners in NBA trades
This was a very good year as far as trades went. I can't remember a time when so many big names were traded all at one time. / By Jake Ipson

What's the big deal about big bike wheels?
29ers are here to stay. Love 'em or hate 'em they aren't going to disappear anytime soon. Every major manufacture, except Giant, has introduced at least one model. Most brands have 3 or 4 different models in their arsenal. So what's the big deal about big wheels? / By Lukas Brinkerhoff

Burton Snowboard head encourages protest
Since the dawning age of snowboarding in the late 1970s, there has been what some snowboarders have called a constant battle for acceptance. / By Danny Robinson

Internet a haven for those who crave Aggie sports coverage
You attended the big Aggie basketball game last night, and read the recaps and analysis of the game this morning in all the papers. Then, you discussed the game with your colleagues at work. But after digesting so much information about one sporting event, you still crave more. / By Tyler Riggs

Commentary: Nelson who? Cons balance pros at USU fieldhouse
Problem No. 1: lack of accommodation. As well as serving the student population, the fieldhouse is the practice arena for both the track and softball teams in the winter, as well as various club sports throughout the year. / By Brooke McNaughton

Fitness with a focus: A runner's take on a year-round obsession
My mind never quits on my body. I have always been obsessed with exercise; whether it's teaching aerobics to university students, running with a sled dog I can conveniently steal from a friend, or just hitting the gym to pump some weights. I manage to do it every day and sometimes twice. / By Kelsey Koenen

An engineer's take on the energy flow of Aikido
In celebration of engineering week, Dr. Ron Sims, an engineering professor at Utah State gave a small presentation on Wednesday relating engineering t o the Japanese Martial Art of Aikido. / By Jason Chesney

Men's basketball team looks to bounce back at home
A three-game road trip turned into a three-game losing streak for the Utah State men's basketball team these past two weeks. The Aggies (18-9, 8-4 WAC), who are now fourth in the WAC, play host to UC Santa Barbara at 7 p.m. Friday in the Spectrum. / By C. Jake Williams

Commentary: Williams beats Paul in Skills Challenge . . . verry interesting
So it turns out that Jazz guard Deron Williams did not suit up for the All-Star Game as an injury replacement for Kobe Bryant. Bryant made an almost symbolic appearance Sunday because he did not want to take the chance to re-aggravate his finger injury. / By Cameron Salony

Baseball forecast: Could this finally be the year for the Cubs?
Punxsutawney Phil may be able to predict how long winter lasts, but it is the baseball players who decide when spring comes. / By Trevor Brasfield

Wesley stands taller than his idol, The Rock
Don't be confused when you look out on the court and think you see a movie star during men's basketball games. Tai Wesley, freshman post player for Utah State, wishes he would be called after his idol: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. / By Marshall Young

NBA commentary: Williams' schooling of Paul is like a death row pardon, two minutes too late
Utah Jazz point guard, Deron Williams, was not selected as a member of the 2008 NBA All-Star team. Granted the Jazz had a 5-11 record in December, which put a damper on D-Will's chances, but does an 11-2 January make up for it? Guess not, and that is why Williams won't join teammate Carlos Boozer as an All-Star in New Orleans on Feb. 17. / By Cameron Salony

Carroll catches fire late as Aggies down Spartans
Jaycee Carroll scored just three points in the first 16 minutes of play Saturday night in the Spectrum, but totaled 23 points over the final 24 minutes, leading Utah State to a 78-73 victory over San Jose State. The Aggies are now tops in the WAC at 8-1 and 18-6 overall. / By C. Jake Williams

Rock Haus hosts competition to boost local climbing community
Community members packed the Rock Haus to cheer on those who made it into the finals. The competition, dubbed Rock Haus Rising, had upwards of 80 climbers in the competition, with 22 making it to the finals in five categories. / By C. Ann Jensen

Super Bowl Diary: A stream of consciousness from the couch
4:25 - Welcome to the diary. Lets start this off with a few predictions and proposition bets. Final score: NE 31 NY 17. Eli Manning interceptions, over/under 2: I'm taking the over. / By C. Jake Williams, with contributions by Cameron Salony

For a true Pats fan, loss worse than kissing a tobacco chewer
I am Cameron Salony and I am a Patriots fan. There, I said it! No bandwagon here, you can all point and laugh at me on campus. I'll be the one wearing the Tom Brady jersey. / By Cameron Salony

Aggies never trail in win over Nevada
Gary Wilkinson's career night and a solid performance by Jaycee Carroll helped Utah State top Nevada, 77-63, in the Spectrum Saturday night. Utah State now leads the WAC with a 6-1 conference record and is 16-6 overall. / By C. Jake Williams



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